cupid's hunt |g|

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requested by I_dolxn

summary : in which you get a letter from your secret admirer on Valentine's Day.

Walking down the hallway at school on Valentine's day was honestly the worst.

Every girl had roses, chocolates, and big teddy bears. Every year you got one chocolate from your teacher and that was it.

Nobody ever got you anything and as much as you would constantly say that it didn't bother you, it did.

You entered your math class and dodged your way through the people blocking the aisles.

"What the?" Your face contorted in confusion.

On your desk laid an envelope with your name neatly signed on top and a single rose.

Looking around you saw no one paying the littlest bit of attention to you. Who put this here?

You sat down and took the envelope in your hands.

'(Y/N)' was written in a beautiful cursive handwriting. Okay you'll just have to look at people's handwriting to figure out who it is.

Carefully opening the envelope you saw there was a paper filled with words.

"Dear (Y/N),
This might be weird but I've had a crush on you for a while. Maybe if I wasn't so shy and awkward I would've just said this in person but you're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. To think you'd even look at me the same way is nothing more than a dream. I'm doing this now so I might as well not wimp out. I've hidden more notes and roses in your classes. Follow all the clues and you'll find me at the end of the day.
Your secret admirer."

This has got to be a joke right?

You looked around at your classmates paper to match the handwriting but no one's writing matched even in the slightest.

You lifted to rose to your nose, inhaling the beautiful scent.

Without even noticing, a tiny smile crept onto your face. Now to start the hunt for your secret admirer.

The bell rang and it was time to go to your next class.

Stopping at your locker you opened it to see another rose and letter.

"I'm probably walking past you now but you'll never know. Look around and we might lock eyes."

You automatically put the letter down frantically looking around to see who it was.

It was too difficult to tell since there were crowds of people hustling through locking eyes with you.

You took a deep sigh and collected the rose and the letter heading to your art class.

Sure enough when you entered your class you saw a letter, a rose and this time a box of your favorite chocolates.

"You once told me these were your favorites. I hope they still are."

God who is this person?

The day continued on and it was nearing the end of the day.

You reached your locker one last time, with 11 roses and 11 letters in your hands.

When you opened the locker a single letter laid there with no rose.

You couldn't help but giggle at the extent this person was going through. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you.

You grabbed the letter and read it carefully.

"I've sent you on a crazy goose chase and to be honest I'm quite glad this chase is coming to an end. It was tiring putting these everywhere. If you want to meet me I'll be waiting in the senior quad area with the last rose."

You felt the nerves piling up inside.

What if it was someone you didn't know at all? What if it was someone you did know but didn't feel the same way towards? What if this is all just a cruel joke?

Questions flooded your head as you slowly walked to the senior quad.

Only one more building to pass.

Your hands began to get sweaty and your heart rate began to increase rapidly.

You rounded the corner and saw someone sitting on a bench under the big oak tree.

They had their back faced to you but they had a rose in their right hand.

You took a deep breath and began to walk through the vacant senior quad up to where this boy was sitting.

You were now right behind him.

Oh god oh god oh god why are you nervous?

"Um is this seat taken?" Your voice spoke softly.

He was startled and sat up.

This is it. He was about to turn around.

He turned to face you and this had to be some kind of joke.

You're telling me the most popular boy in your high school is your secret admirer?

"Grayson?" You were at a loss of words cause all these years you were used to admiring him from a far, never being this close to him.

"(Y/N)," he smiled standing up. God he's tall.

"I believe this belongs to you?" He handed you the last rose causing an instant blush to appear on your face.

"Thank you," you smiled.

"Here take a seat," he scooted down so that you could sit.

"This is a joke right?" You stuttered. "There's just no way that you could be my secret admirer, I mean you're beautiful and I'm, you know, below average," you cowered.

"Oh (Y/N) you have no idea. Like if you could see what I'd see you'd understand. Ever since I met you in 7th grade and you helped me on my science project, I knew I liked you. You're the most kind, funny, outstanding, beautiful inside and out person I know. The other girls in school only have outer beauty. You have inner and outer beauty. Your laugh, your smile, those eyes, you have this effect on me and I decided since we're seniors I needed to stop being a wimp and finally ask you out. I figured go big or go home I mean I've waited this long" he confesses.

"You know Grayson, I've had a crush on you for as long as I remember but I always thought there was no way you'd feel the same. You really surprised me" you leaned in smiling.

"Is it okay if I put my arm around you?"

God he's such a gentleman.

You simply nodded and scooted closer, snuggling into his warmth.

"Thank you Grayson, for the flowers and everything. Nobody has ever done something like this for me."

"You deserve it. When I take you out on our first date I'll do something better," he grinned making you smile happily.

"I'm not sure if anything can top this."

You laid your head on his chest mumbling, "best Valentine's Day ever."

"tell me about it," he sighed, enjoying the first moment with you of many more to come.

Hey guys so I have a few more imagines and yea. Keep requesting !! ❤️❤️

I have so many things to pay for since it's my senior year and I'm like hahahahahah why. I'm so broke send help.

Do any of you have a boyfriend or girlfriend ? I don't, I look like a baked zucchini.

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