amnesia |e|

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requested by themultifandom02

inspired by the song : amnesia by 5sos

summary : in which ethan wishes you never slipped away.

Ethan's Pov :

My fingers tapped the steering wheel as the moon shone in the night sky.

The only lights able to be seen was the moon, the stars and the bright yet almost broken down diner sign.

The r kept flickering on and off as it changed from 'Dine' to 'Diner'.

I made out two figures in the window of the restaurant.

A boy and a girl.

It was me and you.

I was laughing because you were able to stick the spoon to your nose.

A sad smile crept onto my lips when I saw you smile (Y/N). Why did you leave? We looked so happy. Why did that end?

Everything started to turn to dust starting with the moon, down to the stars, down to the sign, and lastly to us.

And all I could do was watch the memory fade.

The scene changed and now I was watching from the drivers seat, the scene of our first kiss.

I remember vividly (Y/N).

You kept calling my name as I held your hand, running up the hill of the lookout I knew you'd fall in love with.

"Ethan! Ethan!" You giggled, "slow down!"

Now the both of us at the top, overlooking the city a gasp left your lips and your eyes widened, never having seen something like this.

It was as if the stars fell and now they were on the ground.

"Wow," was all you said, (Y/N).

Before I could say anything you turned to me and took my face to kiss me, taking me completely by surprise.

I felt my heart skip a beat as my lip quivered.

It was as if I could still feel your kiss lingering on my lips.

But then things started to change.

I was watching you slowly leave.

First the trees, then the grass, then the city, then us.

Back to dust.

You were surely fading.

The car I was in started to move and it drove down the road and into the city, where flickers of us appeared and the memories played as all I could do was sit and watch you go away.

I went down and suddenly the bright colors of the beginning of our relationship started to change.

Colors started to grow dull and dark.

This is when things started to crumble.

The car parked behind another car of a similar model.

We were inside but the aura was different.

There was no laughter, no spoons on noses and no stars.

Just silence as we both knew, we were coming to an end.

You looked at me with tears in your eyes and I sat in the driver's seat trying to avoid the tears in mine.

I didn't want to lose you.

I wanted to get out of the car I was in and fix us and fix what we had, but I couldn't.

The tears I had held when we were in the car now fell freely as I watched from outside in my own car.

Everything turned to dust.

The car began to move one last time and I felt numb at this point. All I could see was us fading away.

The car moved slowly until it stopped in front of a house and the door unlocked, allowing me to get out.

Slowly, I got out of the car and looked at the house which was dark.

A light flickered on in the bottom floor to the left and there stood two silhouettes.

It was me and you.

When you were leaving.

My steps were loud and they echoed in my head as I hesitatingly walked up to the door.

The door opened without me touching it and that's when I could hear it.

The argument.

I walked into the room but you couldn't see me.

I was just spectating what had happened a year ago. Nothing I did or said right now would change the outcome.

You had your suitcase at your feet and your mascara had stained on your cheeks from the tears.

"Ethan please," you sobbed as I held onto your hand begging you to stay and give us another chance.

"I'm leaving," you took your hand out of mine and picked up your luggage.

"I'm sorry," was all you said before I had let you slip away.

I watched as you walked out the door. The memory of it all still vivid and the wound still fresh.

Turning around I saw myself on the floor.

Tears uncontrollably falling down my cheeks.

"Please," my broken voice sounded throughout the empty hall.

I stood there expecting everything to fade like before but this scene didn't disappear to dust.

Everything good with us left and all I had was the memory of me crying on the floor begging for you to come back.

Everything had faded like amnesia and everything felt numb like anesthesia.

You were gone.

This was kind of different then what I usually write, I hope you guys enjoyed it ❤️❤️

So I had a job interview but I didn't get the job but it's okay 🤷🏽‍♀️

Also it's my dad's birthday today ! ❤️ so I'm going out for dinner tonight.

When is your guys birthday? Mine is October 29th I'll be turning 18.

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