space |g|

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requested by grayscakes

summary : in which grayson yells at you saying he needs space but he realizes when he finally gets it, it's something he never wanted.

Grayson was frustrated, constantly groaning and hitting the desk he sat at.

He felt as if the videos he and Ethan had been creating lately was a joke. He hated the content they were putting out and he couldn't come up with a solution.

It hurt you seeing him in such a negative mood so you decided you'd try and help.

"Baby come on let's take a break, we can go pick up some lunch and take a walk in the park?" You said soothingly as you rubbed his back.

His face had a deadly and angry gazed as he stared at the computer in front of him. It was a truly scary sight.

"Take a break?" He muttered before laughing bitterly. "Are you serious?" His bloodshot glare turned to you sending a shiver down your spine.

"Yea, you're tired and stressed, give your body and your mind a break, just for a bit, I'm worried," your tone lowered in sadness.

There was a minute of silence before he abruptly slammed his fists on the desk in front of him. He had reached his breaking point.

You jumped at the sudden action and moved back as he stood up.


You were gripping onto the small table next to you as your heart broke and your tears began to fall.

Grayson was never one to blow up like that at anyone, let alone you.

His breathing was the only sound in the room as he began to calm himself down.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't bother you anymore," you whispered, your voice cracking in the process.

Before Grayson could even step forward you grabbed your bag and ran out of the front door having to get away from him.

Your crying made it difficult to see where you were going so you frequently kept wiping your eyes.

You went as far as your legs could carry you, ending up at a vacant park pretty far from your apartment.

Letting out a sigh you sat on the grass and began to cry.

Grayson's pov :

I had been standing in that same position for 5 minutes. Too engulfed in shock that I couldn't find myself to stop (Y/N) as she ran out.

Realization hit me hard and suddenly, causing my knees to give out on me.

I collapsed on the wooden floor to see a tear splatter on the ground before me. I really messed up.

I started to bawl my eyes out, yelling profanities as my mind traveled back to a few minutes ago.

Her face had fallen so quickly and her eyes welled up with tears. A sight I never want to cause or experience again.

I swore at her, I yelled at her, I called her annoying and clingy. All the things she isn't in any way, shape or form.

My hands fumbled to grab the phone in my back pocket as tears kept falling down my cheeks.

Dialing her number I prayed that she was okay since I had no idea where she ran off to.

The ringing tone rang through my ears and until it hit the voicemail beep.

She wasn't picking up her phone and I don't blame her. I wouldn't want anything to do with myself if I was in her shoes.

"Oh man where was (Y/N)?" My heart pounded through my chest in fear of her whereabouts.

Suddenly my brain clicked and I looked at her find my iPhone.

She was at a park not to long from here by drive. I didn't waste a moment as I snatched my keys and sprinted to my car.

Driving down I couldn't help but still cry. I had promised to never hurt her and I just did. I broke my promise.

Pulling up into the parking lot I saw her sitting lonely with her head between her legs. This is the park she suggested we go to but I blowed up.

Slowly getting out of the car I made my way to (Y/N).

The closer I got the more I was able to hear her faint sniffles. I made her cry. The person that is supposed to hold her close and love her.

"Baby?" I whispered causing her to whip around. She was surprised at my presence.

"What are you doing here?" She hurriedly tried to wipe her tears.

"Baby I'm so sorry," I said softly reaching out for her. She inspected my tearful state but then shook her head.

"No I'm sorry," she whispered.

I wasn't expecting that.

"I'm sorry for being so clingy and annoying and I promise to give you some space. I just want you to be happy," she scooted further from me.

"I'm can't be happy unless you're near me. You're not clingy, nor are you annoying. You're the highlight of each of my days. You make me smile and laugh. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'm so sorry for blowing up at you like that. I'm so sorry," I fell before her onto my knees crying.

I heard the sounds of movement when I felt a hand on my back.

"I love you grayson," (Y/N) whispered.

"I love you (Y/N), so much-" I reached out for her when she stopped me.

"But now I'm the one that needs space."

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long but I'll have two imagines up this weekend 💛💛

Also I will not be doing a second part to this since the person wanted it to end sad.

How have you guys been ? 💙 I'm good just busy with school 😭

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