lazy day |g|

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requested by NOCTVRNALS

summary : in which you and Grayson have an epic lazy day.

inspired by the song - lazy song by Bruno mars.

You and Grayson had been all over the place lately.

Traveling to different places, going out on amazing dates and experiencing new things.

Today you both were laid on your bed, exhausted from all of your recent adventures.

"Where do you want to go today?" Grayson rolled over looking at you. Honestly you were so tired you didn't really want to go anywhere.

"Honestly, let's just stay in today. We can have a lazy day, just the two of us," you suggested, cuddling more into his side.

"If that's what you want to do, we'll do it," he smiled sweetly before planting a soft kiss onto your forehead.

Uh I'm gonna kick my feet up
and stare at the fan
turn the tv on
throw my hands in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't, no

You and Grayson began to make some cereal for breakfast to start off this epic lazy day.

He had fruit loops while you had lucky charms.

"I call the tv!" Grayson yelled after cleaning his bowl. He ran over to the couch in front of the plasma tv and snatched the remote before you could.

You chuckled at his childlike behavior and sat next to him.

You laid sideways, kicking your feet up onto the edge of the couch while your had laid in Grayson's lap.

"Play with my hair," you whispered as your gaze traveled upwards at the fan.

He obliged with your request and began to run his fingers through your hair, gaining a smile from you.

He turned on the office and you both ended up watching 4 episodes.

I'll be loungin in the couch just chillin in my Snuggie
Flip to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freakin' man

" Grayson can I see the remote?" You asked, getting up from your sleeping position on his lap.

He handed you the remote and you flipped through different channels before landing on MTV.

There was a dance battle on TV which intrigued you.

The male who began to dance started doing backflips and a bunch of stunts that Grayson could do as well.

"Look grayson you can do that," you pointed at the screen.

Right when he was about to agree, the guy began to dance, doing moves like the dougie.

"Never mind, you can't do that," you teased giving him a cheeky smile.

"Oh yes I can," he objected getting up and following the moves.

You burst out in a fit of laughter at your silly boyfriend who looked like a noodle trying to dance.

"Baby nooooo," you laughed hitting his arm trying to get him to stop.

He smiled at being able to make you laugh and complied by sitting down.

Tomorrow I'll wake up do some p90x
Meet a really nice girl have some really nice sex
She's gonna scream out this is great
Oh my god this is great

"You're laughing at my dance moves but I'm pretty sure I'm better than you," Grayson gloated.

"Are you so sure about that?" You egged on leaning forward.

"I'm so sure about that," he leaned closer.

"Let's put it to the test then. I'm going to set up just dance because I know you have it on your wii," you smirked knowing that he didn't want anyone finding that.

"It's for video purposes," he stumbled on his words.

"Sure, sure," you said before hooking up the game.

You turned on 'it's raining men' and prepared yourself to beat Grayson.

The dance began and you couldn't help but laugh as you and Grayson attempted to dance. It was atrocious. If people saw it they would say you both look like you're having a seizure.

The song finally ended and the scores came up.

(Y/N) - 2,379
Grayson - 2,596

"HA!" Grayson laughed pointing at you.

He began to dance around you, mocking you as you faked a cry.

"You owe me now, since you defied my dancing skills," he smirked pulling you up.

His hand traveled down your back and you knew what he meant.

*after sexy time cause ya girl can't write sexy time*

You both struggled to catch your breath.

"Oh my god that was great," you let out with a gasp.

I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops you'll just have to wait

After taking a shower and cleaning yourselves up. Grayson decided to carry you back to the living room to watch movies, cuddle, and eat ice cream.

"I just realized something," Grayson said as he pulled you closer.

"Hmm?" You replied with a mouth full of ice cream.

"You're going to university soon, so we're not going to see each other as much," seeing as you just graduated from high school, he was right.

You sighed but looked up at his beautiful brown eyes.

"I will always have time for you my love. I don't start till a few more months so, let's put that aside and enjoy a nice movie night," you pecked his lips softly, earning a warm smile from him.

After two big tubs of ice cream, bags of chips, and packets of candy we're finally empty, you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Best lazy day ever.

So I have a few more requests and then I will be taking requests again.

Are you guys on spring break? Because I am 🙏🏽 blesss.

What's your favorite ice cream?

I lovvvveee chocolate chip cookie dough like oh my goodness I love it 😭😭

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