sex ed |e|

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requested by BhadTish


Summary : in which you get paired with the biggest nerd for a project in sex education class. but he just has one question. what is sex ?

"Class honestly!" Your teacher flailed his arms in the air as the class was lost in a fit of laughter.

"You guys are seniors, stop being so immature!" He shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he tried to get Joshua back in his seat.

You're probably wondering what caused the class to bust into laughter.

Well it all started with one question.

"What is sex?"

That's a reasonable question when you're younger and you're curious about where babies come from but to be a senior in high school and to genuinely not know what sex is, is quite embarrassing.

The so called "nerd" of the senior class, your seat partner in sex education, Ethan Dolan had asked the question, which led to the laughter and the embarrassing rose tint that found it way to his cheeks.

You felt bad for the guy but being that you had a crush on him, it was kind of inevitable to feel bad for him.

Not only did the jocks and cheerleaders mock him but even the teacher.

But now since the class was out of control he was losing his patience.

"You know what (Y/N) and Ethan I'll let you guys in the back classroom, so that you guys can work on the project back there while I calm the class," Mr. Isac walked over to the back door letting you and Ethan in.

Inside was a table, two chairs and a bunch of sex ed books.

Mr. Isac shut the door and now it was just you and Ethan.

He still had rosy cheeks due to the embarrassment.

"You know Ethan, it's nothing to be embarrassed about," you pat his shoulder as he couldn't even make eye contact with you.

"Yea b-but I'm sure you know what, you know, like," he scratched the back of his neck, "i-intercourse is."

"You can say sex Ethan it's not a bad word," you laughed at his flustered state.

You noticed how he still couldn't look at you so you thought it would be best to start with the project.

"Okay so are you ready to work on the project?" You pulled out the materials.

"I-um Yes," he spoke quickly, adjusting his suspenders.

"What is the project exactly?" Ethan asked.

"Well," you laughed as you pulled out the banana and the condom.

Ethan laughed obviously not understanding the concept.

"What are we supposed to do eat the banana?" He joked trying to lighten the mood but it just made you giggle more since he didn't understand what the banana represented and what a condom even was.

"You don't eat it, you suck it," you joked to yourself, forgetting that Ethan was sitting two inches away from you.

"What?" Confusion covered his features.

You cursed under your breath and shook your head, "nothing, never mind."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Ethan questioned.

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