wrong number |e|

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requested by grayscakes

this was inspired by this amazing and hilarious fanfic called : "wrong number" by k16b13  it's a bts fanfic so if you guys like bts go read that fanfic it's amazing 💙.

summary : in which Ethan texts the wrong number thinking it's Grayson but realizes it's a hilarious old girl who isn't so easy to ignore.

Ethan's pov :

"Dammit," I muttered scrolling through the empty contact book on my new phone.

All my numbers failed to transfer and I suck at memorizing people's numbers. I went off the top of my head thinking to text Grayson. His was the only number I remember by heart. Or at least I thought I remembered.

Ethan : Bro the stupid phone company messed up on transferring my contacts 🤦🏽‍♀️

The little typing bubble popped up as I sighed plopping onto the couch.

Brudder : Damn bro that sucks, who is this again?

What the? Grayson loves to play jokes on me when I'm upset so I wasn't having this little comment.

Ethan : Your twin brother, we were in the womb together for nine months bro come on.

Brudder : Bro, I'm a girl, I think you have the wrong number lol.

Well that's odd. He'd never call himself a girl.

Ethan : Sure you act like a girl but stop joking around, is your phone good?

Ethan : Sure you act like a girl but stop joking around, is your phone good?

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Brudder : Boi tf you mean act like a girl, girls are great. Now fr fr I'm sure you have the wrong number.

I laughed at the picture he sent which was funny, he never sends me memes it's usually me who sends the memes.

Ethan : Grayson stop playing 😂

A few seconds after I sent that text I got a call from the number.

"Grayson you little-"

"Hi random stranger who uses girls as an insult my name is (Y/N) and I am not Grayson. You have the wrong number," an unfamiliar voice came threw the phone which was definitely not Grayson.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry," I started laughing.

"It's cool it's cool," the girls voice chuckled on the other line. "Well goodbye random stranger," she said before hanging up.

I went back to our messages and began typing.

Ethan : My name is Ethan lol.

(Y/N) : And the random stranger is back, hi how are you after our conversation two seconds ago?

I laughed again, she was witty and funny, I like that.

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