it was always you |g|

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requested by thebluebeast_13

summary : in which you go to Grayson's wedding but you're not the bride. funny thing is he finds out you were always the one for him a few months later.

You always loved weddings. The idea that you would love someone and be with that someone till the end of time.

You loved weddings but not this one.

Your best friend and ex-boyfriend Grayson was getting married.

Shouldn't you be happy that he's found someone for him? Well that's just the thing. You can't be happy when you're still desperately in love with him.

It should be you saying your vows, you walking down the aisle with him and you spending the rest of your life with him.

The breakup went like this.

You dated Grayson for about 2 years. Then his career really took off.

It took him away from you. Always traveling and on the road. Meeting beautiful models and fans. Having time for everything and everyone except you.

He thought it was best that you two separated. In his words, he couldn't give you the "love you deserved."

It broke you for months and it still continues to do so.

Grayson knew he needed you in his life which is why he kept you as a best friend.

The little hope that he would come back to you however, died when he introduced you to his girlfriend, model and actress Vanessa Wilmer (fake name lolz).

This lead you to the moment you're at now.

Sitting in the third row watching the love of your life say his vows to another woman.

She looked stunning, there's no denying that. Her hair was magnificently curled and her dress looked like it was made by angels.

She looked perfect and Grayson deserved nothing less of perfection.

"I vow to love you till the end of time and be there to celebrate everything and anything with you" Vanessa squeezed his palms.

"I love you so much my love" she said. I love you too grayson, you thought to yourself.

The ceremony went on smoothly and it came to the end.

"Grayson, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife to love and to cherish till death to you part?"

Your heart was racing and breaking at the same time.

"I do" he whispered.

"You may now kiss the bride" and with that. The realization hit you like a million pounds.

He loved someone that wasn't you. It was as if your whole world was crashing down.

They happy couple trotted down the aisle hand in hand and Grayson gave you a big smile.

You struggled to smile back but you did.

If it meant you had to hurt for him to be happy, you would allow it.

"Hey (Y/N)" grayson hugged you during the reception.

"Hey best friend, congrats! I'm so happy for you" you hugged him back tightly.

"Thank you, I've been waiting for that special someone and she's finally here" he looked over at his wife who spoke to her family and friends.

"I'm glad, she looks absolutely lovely" you commented causing him to blush.

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