more than friends |g|

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requested by Kel_Fanfic

summary : in which grayson see's you as more than a friend and he prays that you see him the same way.

"Ivan I don't understand?" You cried trying to reason with him.

"(Y/N) I just" he paused. "I don't feel the way I once did" he finally let out and it was like a ton of bricks had fallen on you.

"Ivan?" You whimpered, afraid to lose your boyfriend.

He gave you a solemn look when you pieced it together.

"There's someone else isn't there?" You muttered not willing to look at him.

His absence of an answer was clear enough.

"What the f-" you screamed before he stopped you.

"I'm sorry. I just felt things with her that I don't feel with you" damn he was not holding back.

"How long?" You whispered.

He denied you an answer again.

"How long!" You screamed in his face.

"2 months" He mustered out.

You had been dating him for 8 months and apparently, 2 months were spent with him loving someone else.

"I can't believe you" you furrowed your eyes brows.

"Get out, I never want to see you again" you said in a deadly tone.

Knowing how you get when you're mad he left automatically muttering a goodbye. It was when he left when you broke down.

You really cared about Ivan, you even loved him. But he never felt they way for you.

You needed someone to talk to so you dialed your best friend, Grayson's number.

It ring a few times before you heard his cheery voice.

"Hey (Y/N), what's up?"

"G-gray" you managed to get out between breaths.

"(Y/N) what's wrong? Are you okay?" The concern and worry was traced in his voice.

"Ivan he-he cheated on m-me and I-I don't know what to d-do" you began to sob again.

"Oh (Y/N)" he sighed.

"I'll be over in 10 with some ice cream" he said before hanging up.

Of course in 10 minutes you heard a knock on your apartment door.

Looking out the peephole you saw Grayson standing there with tubs of baskin robbin's mint chocolate chip, your favorite.

You open the door and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder.

He held you with one hand transferring the bag of ice creams to his other.

Using his left arm he picked you up by the waist and walked inside.

"Shh I know I know" he calmed you down.

He placed you back on the ground and closed the door behind him.

"Get yourself a spoon and let's talk about it" he said taking out the two tubs.

Scooping your spoon into the ice cream you cried to Grayson about the whole thing.

"(Y/N) listen to me" he wiped your tears and lifted your chin.

"He was never the one for you. He was beyond stupid to think any girl could compare to you. You're beautiful inside and out so that already eliminates most girls from you. You have an amazing personality because you're goofy, kind hearted, compassionate and strong minded. You put everyone's needs before yours because you care about others so much. You're talented, smart, beautiful, funny. Any amazing thing I could name, you've got it, and he's a fool to not see it like I do" he finished leaving you in awe.

"You really think so gray?" You sniffled.

"Look, even when you're crying you're beautiful" he held your cheek.

You held his hand on your cheek and smiled through your tears.

Grayson cleared his throat and slowly removed his hand.

"Um (Y/N)?" He gulped in.

"Yea?" You replied.

"I have to confess something to you" he looked at the ground fiddling with his fingers.

You nodded your head, letting him know to go on.

"Umm, ever since the 6th grade, I've loved you. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I just wanted to let you know. When we first met and became best friends in the 4th grade, no one made me as happy as you did, well except Ethan. But I had never met someone as amazing as you. I knew god gave you to me for a reason. When I finally realized my feelings for you in the 6th grade I knew it was best to keep quiet. I would rather keep it quiet than risk our friendship. I love you too much to lose you. When you met Ivan in junior year and you guys started talking I saw my opportunity leaving. Then you and him started to date and I was broken. The only gift from god I had was given to someone else. Now that you're here telling me what happened, I have to tell you how I feel. Please don't end our friendship if you don't feel the same. I'll understand" he said.

Right in that moment your mind raced back in time to all the times you spent with Grayson.

All the laughs and tears you shared.

You didn't realize it back then but you loved Grayson.

You couldn't live without him.

He was your rock, the guy you always went back to when things went wrong.

You had been silent for a while making Grayson worry.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said-" he started before you cut him off with a kiss.

He was shocked at first but then he kissed back.

It was full of passion and love built up through all the years.

You finally broke away and whispered, "I love you too."

Yoooo, I made this really bomb BTS edit like woop woop , so far I've been sticking to my New Years resolutions even thought its only been two days 😂

What do you guys look like, describe yourselves to me and tell me your names, I might use you guys in imagines 😏

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