Chapter Two

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Maya was finished with her cereal when she heard a honking outside. Maya put her bowl in the sink and grabbed her lanyard and closed the door.

She saw the familiar red Chevrolet Camaro. Lucas always picked up Maya in the mornings ever since he got his driver's license last year. He had a red and white letterman jacket with a black snapback. It looked like he was now growing a small beard and he looked even more attractive if possible.

"Hey Hunter." He smirked and not so subtly checked out her body. Maya noticed and smiled. "Hey Friar." Lucas turned his head back in the front to avoid dirty thoughts about his little sister's best friend.

"Peaches." Riley smiled and got out the car. "Hey honey." They embraced like they haven't seen each other all summer. "Are you excited for the first day of freshman year?" Riley asked from the passenger seat.

"Yeah I'm gonna try out for the cheerleading team." Maya said as she looked in the rearview mirror to see his reaction. "Wow Hunter never pegged you for a cheerleader." Lucas said as he made a right.

"Well I have the body for it and the outfits are really cute." Maya said as she looked down on her phone. "Well good luck Penelope. I know you'll do great." He smiled. "Hey that's messed up." Riley exclaimed and punched his shoulder.

"Ow Riley what was that for?" He said exasperatedly. "When I was trying out you didn't say that to me." Riley glared and crossed her arms. "I'm sorry Riley but you are one of the most uncoordinated people I have ever met. You literally got two left feet."

"No I don't." Riley persisted. The Friar siblings started to bicker back and forth with each other. This was a normal everyday occurrence so Maya just checked her social media.

Riley turned around. "Maya is it true that I suck at cheerleading?" Maya grimaced. "I'm sorry Riley but remember you tried to do a cartwheel and you hit Jessica Anderson right in the face? She had to get her braces redone."

"Oh yeah you're right." Riley said and turned back around. "You'll find something that you're good at Riley I just know it." Maya stated and squeezed her shoulder.

Lucas parked the car in the school's parking lot. They all got out and walked to the trunk. Lucas opened the trunk and he grabbed his blue nike gym bag which made his arms flex. Maya and Riley grabbed their backpacks and Lucas closed the trunk.

"See you at sixth Penelope." He hugged her and Maya closed her eyes and smelled his pine scent with a bit of mint from his gum. "See you huckleberry." All too fast he let go. She watched his figure get smaller and Maya looked longingly at him.

"Wow Peaches I can't believe you still like my jerk face brother." Riley scrunched her nose in disgust. "I can't help it Riley he's just so cute." Maya and Riley walked up the school steps.
"Hey babe." Farkle said as he waved. "Hey Farkle." Riley smiled and kissed him on the lips. They were together ever since eight grade last year.

"Hey Maya." He hugged her. "Hey Minkus." She ruffled his hair. "Hey watch the hair." He said causing Maya and Riley to laugh. The trio walked in. They found the principal's office. The lady gave them their schedule and the map to their classes.

Luckily Riley and Maya were only two lockers apart. Farkle was across from them. Down the hallway Maya spotted Lucas and his group of friends hanging by the water fountains.

She seen a girl yell at him and stormed away. The other guys were laughing and fist bumping him as they walked away. "What classes do you have?" Riley asked as she held out her hand. Maya gave it to her. "We have first, second, and fifth together." Riley said as she gave back her schedule.

"Not so bad." Maya said. "But that's two periods I can't see you." Riley pouted. "Hey I'll be with your brother at sixth and we can meet up by the girl's lockers." Maya said trying to make her feel better.

"Of course I wouldn't miss your tryouts for the world." Riley remarked. "Thanks Riles." Maya replied. They locked their arms together as they walked in first.

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