Chapter fifty seven

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Lucas and Maya peeled off their clothes. They decided to take a shower together after the long day they had.

After they we're done with their shower they threw on their pajamas and collapsed on Maya's bed. Lucas snaked his arm around Maya's slim waist. He gave her a soft kiss on the lips before falling asleep.

Maya woke up feeling soft breaths hitting her neck. She smiled seeing her boyfriend still asleep. Lucas fluttered his eyes open meeting hers. "Good morning." He drawled out in his deep morning voice that he usually had.

"Good morning babe." She kissed him on the lips. Lucas smiled returning the loving kiss. It was around eleven o clock.

"Let me see what I can make for breakfast." Lucas dipped off the bed. Maya followed after him as they walked downstairs.

Maya sat down on the stool while Lucas took out the ingredients for chocolate chip pancakes and scrambled eggs.

Maya grabbed a handful of chocolate chips making Lucas chuckle softly. "What should we do today?" Maya questioned. "I was thinking since it's pretty hot today we should go to beach." Lucas suggested.

"Sounds fun. Should we go with the group?" Maya asked. "Sure." Lucas replied flipping over the pancake. Maya told the group their plans if they wanted to come. All of them were down for it.

Lucas turned off the stove after he was done with the food. He gave her a plate sitting besides her. He checked his phone looking through his social media.

"I forgot I need to get a new bikini can you take me to the mall?" Maya asked her boyfriend. "As long as I get to see you change." Lucas smirked. "Whatever you dork." She giggled lightly.

After they finished breakfast, they went upstairs to change. Maya decided to wear a pink blouse with blue jean shorts and flip flops. She placed her golden blonde hair in a ponytail.

Lucas walked in from the bathroom. He was dressed in a white tank top, a blue floral button up shirt, beige shorts with sandals.

"You ready to go babygirl?" Lucas asked. "Yep." She added another coat of lipstick to her lips. She placed the lipstick into her small backpack. Lucas took her small hand into his large one and they walked out the door.

They climbed in Lucas's car. Lucas smiled when Maya started to sing along to the song. He always told her that she should go sing in an X factor competition but Maya always denied it.

They arrived at the mall. Lucas let her lead the way as she went to her favorite store in the mall forever 21. Maya grabbed a few of the bikinis she thought was cute.

When she was done, she pulled Lucas to the dressing room with her. She sat him down on the bench. Maya pulled off her clothes putting on her first bikini. A few more bikinis later, Maya found the perfect bikini for herself.

It was a red lace bikini set that made her ass look amazing. Lucas paid for the bikini and they went to eat something real quick before driving to the beach.

They bought soft pretzels with lemonades. "You should have saw the way your mouth dropped." She giggled dipping her pretzel in the cheese dip.

"You can't blame me you look sexy as fuck." He told her. "Don't I always?" She arched her eyebrow. "All the time. I meant all the time." Lucas chuckled nervously.

They threw their trash away walking out of the mall. They arrived at the beach in fifteen minutes. Lucas threw his arm around her shoulders. They saw the rest of the group waiting in front of the pole on the sidewalk.

They cheered as they headed toward the beach. They found a good spot to place their stuff. Lucas peeled off his clothes diving in the water.

Maya laughed following after her boyfriend. Maya flung her arms around his neck meeting her lips with his. Lucas placed her hands on her ass wrapping her legs around his sculpted torso as they continued to make out with each other.

They pulled away for breath smiling at each other. The couple swam back to the rest of their group. The group decided to have a splash fight like children. Maya laughed when Lucas placed her on his shoulders.

Smackle got on Zay's shoulders and they tried to push each other off. Noah pushed them both off their boyfriend's shoulders making them both shout in protest before laughing.

Charlie and Alex brought their surfboards and they all watched in awe as they rode the waves with ease. Maya shakily went on the surfboard. She nodded her head as Charlie taught her how he balanced on the board.

"You got it baby!" Lucas yelled out in support. Maya took a deep breath. She saw a wave heading towards her. She almost rode it but fell in the water. She kept on falling over and over. She didn't give up though.

She finally was able to ride one making the group cheer. She watched as Lucas fell as many times as her which made Maya laugh.

They got out of the ocean for a break. Maya hopped on Lucas's back. Lucas grinned when she pecked him on the cheek. "Let's get ice cream!" She exclaimed. Lucas pecked his adorable girlfriend on the lips. "Alright let me grab my wallet." He walked to his backpack taking out his wallet.

They went to the ice cream parlor. They both decided to share a cup of cookie dough. "I think I got some right here." She pointed on her lips.

"Let me get it then." He said playfully. He crashed his lips against hers. Lucas placed his hands firmly on her waist. Maya carded her hands through his dark hair.

"We should head back babe. They're probably worried." Maya breathed out. "Alright." They stood up from the bench they were sharing. Maya threw their cup away. Maya slipped her hand through his and they walked back to the beach.

A/N: long time no see lol. Sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys for the support. Love you all.

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