Chapter Fifty Three

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Lucas and Maya woke up from Lucas's alarm. Today was the day they had to go back to New York. Maya yawned giving him a peck on the lips.

"Good morning." She greeted. "Good morning princess." He kissed her again. They both disentangle themselves from each other and walked  to the bathroom.

They shredded off their clothes and got in the shower together. "Are you sad about leaving this place?" Maya questioned as she washed herself. "I am a little bit but my home is with you." He told her.

Maya pulled his face down and pressed her lips against his. Their mouths moving in sync against each other's. They parted for air. Lucas's head pressed against Maya's forehead.

"I love you so much." She spoke softly. "I love you too." After a few minutes, they finally got out the bathroom. Lucas's facial was once again starting to grow. Lucas brushed his hair so it fell against his forehead.

He decided to wear a white shirt with his brown suede jacket, blue jeans and black combat boots. Maya decided to wear a white crop top sweater with high waisted blue jeans and black ankle boots. she placed her necklace around her neck. She applied a little bit of eyeliner and lipstick.

They made sure they got everything they needed to pack and walked downstairs. Grandma Jean made one large breakfast for them before they went. After they were done they hugged them goodbye and left the house.

Lucas placed his and Maya's things in the trunk. He closed the trunk afterwards and climbed in the car. He slid in next to Maya and buckled his seat. Maya gave him an ear bud. They laid their foreheads against each other getting lost in the music.

They made it to the airport in an hour and a half. Lucas gently shook his girlfriend awake. "Babe we're here." He informed her. Maya yawned sleepily getting out of the car. They grabbed their stuff from the back and sat in the waiting chairs. Lucas went to get them some Starbucks to keep themselves awake.

He gave her her white chocolate mocha frappuccino. Maya kissed him on the lips. "Thank you." She smiled taking a large sip of her favorite drink. "You're welcome sweetheart."

They finally arrived home after a few hours. Lucas decided to drop Maya off at her house with his car.

"Thank you for making this one of the best Christmas's I've ever had." She declared. "I'm glad that you had a good time. I can't think of anyone else I would spend it with." He kissed her hand and intertwined them together.

Lucas parked in front of her house. Maya leaned over and kissed him. "Goodnight I love you." She smiled. "I love you too baby. Have a good night."

Maya grabbed her bags from the trunk. Lucas waited until she was safely inside before driving away. Lucas parked his car and headed inside. "Do y'all want Chinese or pizza?" Cory asked their children.

"Chinese sounds good." Lucas said. "I agree." Riley added. "Alright then." Cory dialed the Chinese place.
Lucas went to put his bags in his room. He changed out of his clothes and into pajamas.

He decided to put all the clothes away so he wouldn't have to worry about it tomorrow. Once he was done he placed his bags in his closet.

Riley went inside his room. "The Chinese food is here." She told him. "Yes." Lucas cheered, following after his sister.

Lucas had a large helping of the shrimp fried rice and vegetable chow mein. He grabbed a coke from the fridge and sat down on the loveseat. They were watching one of the fast and furious movies.

Lucas got a text from the groupchat from Zay.
Z: welcome back party at my place tomorrow
Alex: sounds fun
Josh: I'm down
Noah: same
Charlie: cool
L: what time bro?
Z: at 7pm
L: I missed you guys can't wait to see y'all tomorrow.
They all replied with similar answers.

"You wanna go to a party tomorrow Riles? it's at Zays." Lucas inquired. "No thanks I'm gonna go on a date with Farkle tomorrow." She told him. "Okay goodnight." He ruffled her hair.

She slapped his hand away making him laugh. He said goodnight to his parents and went upstairs. He brushed his teeth and washed his face. He decided to text Maya about the party.

Huckleberry: down for a party tomorrow?
Babygirl : sure who's throwing it?
Huckleberry: Zay unsurprisingly
Babygirl : lmao okay sounds good what time?
Huckleberry : at 7 I'll pick you up around 6

After that they wished each other a good night. Lucas put his phone on the charger and fell asleep shortly.

A/N : I'm back guys. Did y'all missed me lol. I honestly want to thank RowbrinaBabes huckleberypancakes and littestackofpancakes and everyone else that supports this story I love you guys so much 💗💗

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