Chapter thirty seven

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A/N : Mature content in this chapter

Maya was glad that she was leaving the hospital today. She absolutely hated hospitals. They always made her feel eery.

Maya was broken out of her reverie by a knock on the door. She looked up. Her boyfriend was smiling at her. He held up a taco bag with one hand and a backpack with the other. "Hey Penelope," he walked over.

"Hey huckleberry is that for me?" Maya asked. "Yep here you go." He answered. Maya beamed taking the bag from him.

"Jeez babe a thank you would be nice." He said jokingly. Maya brought his face to hers and gave him a kiss. "Thank you baby."

He smiled satisfied and sat down. "I brought you some clothes too." He held the bag beside him.

After Maya finished eating she needed help getting out of the bed because she could possible tear out her stitches. "Babe do you mind helping me?" She requested.

"Sure thing," he walked over to her right side. He carefully lifted her out the bed and took her to the bathroom. He helped changed her clothes. "Thank you." Maya piped up.

"No problem baby." He kissed her forehead. "Let's get out of here." He intertwined their fingers together and they walked out.


Maya was asleep on Lucas's chest. She was having another nightmare. It was always the same one.

Maya was in the same white dress she wore to homecoming. She heard a knock on the door. Lucas was here. She opened the door.

Lucas was smiling at her. Behind him was Missy aiming the gun at the back of his head. "Maya I love-," but he never got to finish as Missy pulled the trigger.

"No!" Maya screamed out. Lucas's loving warm green eyes started to turn a dark green as he collapsed on the floor bleeding out. "No Lucas no!" She kept on yelling, tears welling in her eyes. She placed his head on her lap as she cried.

Maya was tossing and turning. Tears streaming down her face as she kept on screaming loudly. "Maya wake up!" He kept on shaking her.

Maya woke up with a startling gasp. Her heart pounding loudly against her chest as she hiccuped from crying. "I'm right here baby. It's okay." He whispered in her ear, rubbing her back in small circles.

Maya balled her hands in small fists and gripped his shirt tightly as she sobbed in his chest.

He hated seeing his baby in pain. He wanted to take away all her pain and bring it to himself instead.

"Please don't leave me," Maya whimpered, her eyes filled with tears as she looked up at him. Lucas's heart broke at the sight.

"I promise, I won't ever leave you baby. I'm not going anywhere." He kissed her forehead. Maya's breathing had calmed down letting him know that she was asleep.

He snaked his arms around her shielding her from all the bad in the world.

Weeks had passed since the incident. Missy was now in prison for life without parole. It had made everyone relieved.

Also during those weeks she went to therapy. Maya got better and her nightmares had stopped.

Maya was observing her scar on her full body mirror in her room. She just got her stitches off from the hospital. She had an ugly pink scar on the left side of her stomach. She ran her fingers across from it feeling the scar that would remain there for the rest of her life.

She felt hideous and insecure about her scar. Lucas leaned his body against her doorframe immediately knowing what thoughts were swirling around her head.

He walked over to her and held her waist. "You are beautiful Maya with or without scars." He lifted up her chin, his green eyes never wavering from hers. His eyes held nothing but an encompassing love for her.

He leaned down and kissed her soft lips. Maya placed her hands on the nape of his neck as their lips moved in sync with each other.

He pushed her back until her legs hit the bed. The bed shook as she collapsed against it.

Lucas peeled off her shirt and shorts leaving her in her white lacy bra and panties. Lucas made a trail of light kisses on her neck. He found her sensitive spot and sucked against it. Maya moaned arching her back.

His large hands placed her hips down. One hand slid up her back leaving fire behind his touch.

He unlatched the hook on her bra making her creamy breasts spill out.

He latched his mouth over her nipple. He sucked and swirled on her left breast while playing with the other one.

He kissed down her stomach. He rubbed his thumb over her scar before planting soft kisses against it making Maya gasp softly at his soft kisses.

"Beautiful," he kissed her scar again. He pulled down her underwear. Her center dripping wet for him.

He licked a stripe of her center making Maya writhe against his tongue. Lucas kept on swirling his tongue around invading every inch of her. He flicked her pink nub a few times with his tongue. Maya tugged his hair roughly making Lucas groan inside her. He clamped his mouth over her clit making Maya's toe curl as she released in his mouth.

He inserted a finger making Maya feel heat climb up her stomach again. He added a second and a third finger until she was opened up. When she was, he entered her without warning making Maya and Lucas feel euphoria at the sensation of his cock inside of her.

He pushed against her slowly. He placed his muscled arms on either side of her head. His dark hair was matted with sweat as he gazed at her.

Her mouth was wide open. Sweat gleamed on her forehead. Her blonde hair in disarray. Her long lashes fluttered against her cheeks beautifully.

"Faster," she breathed heavily. Lucas followed her request and rolled his hips against her harder and deeper. The bed squeaked with every hard thrust he made.

Maya's nails scratched against his back making Lucas hiss at the pain. The pain mixed with pleasure made it all the more satisfying.

With one last thrust, maya let out an earth shattering orgasm as she came again. Lucas let out a string of curses as he reached his climax after hers.

Lucas's hips slowed down sloppily as he reached his finish. He pulled out and cleaned them off with a warm towel. He laid down beside her and pulled her small bare body against his chest.

His legs tangled with hers. His strong arms wrapped around her making her feel safe and secure. He pecked her on the lips.

"I love you," He whispered. "I love you too." She smiled leaning up and kissing him again. He placed the blanket over them.

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