Chapter fifty nine

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Lucas's cousin was having a wedding. He  was supposed to be the ring bearer for the wedding. They were going up to Los Angeles where the wedding was held for the weekend. He was allowed to bring Maya with him which they were both happy about.

Maya panicked when she couldn't find anything nice to wear and she dragged Lucas to the mall with her. Lucas was waiting in the dressing room bench outside of her room.

"What do you think?" Maya asked as she walked out with the pink lace dress. Lucas was in awe at how beautiful she looked. "You look absolutely stunning baby. That's the one." He told her. Maya blushed at the compliment. She thanked him before walking back inside to change out of the dress.

Maya paid for the dress and the white stilettos she got for the wedding. They decided to stop at a restaurant to eat and settle down for a bit. "How is cheer so far?" Lucas asked as he ate his burger.

"It's going great. I thought I would be rusty since I hadn't did cheer in so long but it actually felt pretty easy." She said. "I'm glad baby." He stated.

"What about you? How was the trip to NYU?" She questioned. "NYU was awesome. The atmosphere of the campus was open and the football team was amazing. I like it there." Lucas declared. "I'm happy for you too." She smiled.

They continued to talk for awhile before they left to go home. Lucas decided to put a movie on in the living room. Maya finished making the popcorn bringing the bowl with her. She sat down next to Lucas putting her head on his shoulder. Lucas wrapped his arm around her, kissing her forehead.

They both laughed as the character in the movie broke the bed that the other character made from the instruction manual that was written in German.

They then decided to throw popcorn at each other seeing if they can catch it with their mouths. Maya giggled when Lucas missed completely. The popcorn instead fell into his hair. Lucas laughed along with her taking the popcorn out of his hair.

Maya climbed on his lap looping her arms around him. He smiled down at her pressing his lips against hers. Maya closed her eyes getting lost into the intoxicating kiss. Lucas turned his head to deepen the kiss sliding his hands under her shirt feeling her soft skin.

"Ahh I'm blind!" They heard Riley yell. They broke apart from the kiss. Maya's blonde hair was rumpled along with Lucas's. "Sorry Riles." She brushed her hair back from her face. "I'm not." He said making Maya punch his shoulder lightly climbing off of his lap.

"Maya can you help me pick out what to wear? I'm going on a date with Farkle tonight." Riley said. "Sure," Maya replied standing up from the couch. She gave Lucas a kiss on the cheek before following her best friend upstairs.

Maya chose the light blue dress for Riley. Riley's music was playing softly in the background as Maya curled Riley's hair. "Did he say where's he taking you?" Maya asked as she curled another strand with the curling iron.

"He said he's taking me to meet his parents." Riley said nervously. "Riles don't be nervous. You know his parents. They're super nice." Maya said. "Yeah but as his friend. This is different. I'm his girlfriend now." Riley declared.

Maya turned the chair around placing her hands on her shoulders. "Riley you are over exaggerating. They love you. You have nothing to worry about." Maya said. Riley nodded her head in reassurance.

"You're right Maya. I was overthinking." Riley said with a laugh. "That's why you have me for." Maya said with a smile. They heard the door bell from downstairs.

"Riley you're boyfriend's here!" They heard Lucas shout from downstairs. "I'm coming." She shouted back.

Riley stood up and twirled around. "You look amazing Honey. You're gonna do great." She gave her friend a hug. Riley smiled grabbing her purse from the dresser.

Maya said goodbye to the couple before closing the door. Maya opened the door to Lucas's room. Lucas was on the bed scrolling through his phone. Maya climbed on the bed laying beside him. Lucas turned off his phone facing her.

"You wanna go get ice cream? Im in the mood for something sweet." He told her. "Sure after I nap I'm tired." She told him. Lucas curled his arm around deciding to go to sleep along with her.

Two hours later they went to the new Italian ice cream place that was in the mall. Maya got cotton candy flavored while Lucas got strawberry lemonade flavored ice cream. They sat down at a table as they continued to eat their shaved ice.

Maya took a silly photo of them with the tips of their spoons hanging out of their mouths. Lucas chuckled when she showed him the photo she posted on her snap.

After they finished their ice cream they stopped by subway for dinner. They both ate their food in the car while the music was playing low in the background.

They both laughed as they told each other embarrassing childhood stories. "I can't believe you were crying in the dance recital. I totally forgot about that." Lucas chuckled along with Maya.

"I had no idea why I was upset. All I remember was crying in a fairy costume." She continued to laugh. "I remember giving you a flower afterwards and telling you how great you were." Lucas smiled fondly.

"I always liked you since that day." She confessed. "Why did you?" Lucas asked. "You were always sweet to me. Do you remember the time I kissed you because a boy made fun of me for not having a kiss?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. I went to comfort you and I told you I would kiss you to make you feel better." He smiled at the memory. "I think that was the first time I realized I had feelings for you but I didn't know it at the time." Lucas remarked.

"And now we're together." She laced their fingers together. Lucas kissed her on the back of her hand making her blush adorably.

A/N: thank you guys so much for the support of all my books. It means the world to me. I will continue to write for lucaya so expect more books soon. Follow, Fav, and Review.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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