Chapter three

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The whole day went by in a blur and it was already sixth period. Maya had walked into the girl's locker room to change. She wore black spandex with a red racerback and white tennis shoes.
She put her blonde hair in a high ponytail.

She really didn't know any of the girls on the cheerleading team. Only one girl from her Spanish 1 class. The team decided to do tryouts on the football field since it was sunny outside and the gym was being polished again.

Maya and a few other freshman tried out too. Maya started to stretch her legs on the ground. She reached for her right foot until her right hand touched the tip of her shoe. She repeated with the other one. She put her legs in a v-shape and reached her arms out until her chest touched the ground.

Lucas and the football team were doing their usual laps around the track when he saw Maya. Lucas did a double take and he almost fell on the ground. Damn when did Maya become flexible?
He didn't realize how beautiful her body really is...

"Friar pay attention!" Coach Reynolds yelled out. Lucas realized he was in the back and he sprinted up to catch up to the rest of the team. Maya looked up and seen Lucas run to catch up with the team and Maya chuckled.

"Okay class show me what you got." Their coach Mrs. Martinez said. A lot of girls went up. Some did really good and some did Riley-awful bad. "Maya Hunter." Maya had walked up. "Let's go patriots we got the game. We are the patriots that's our name!" Maya did their normal cheering routine.

Maya did three backflips and landed directly on her feet. She did the splits and raised her arms up. "Thank you Maya. People who made the team will be posted on the girl's locker room tomorrow."

All the girls had went back to the locker room. Maya spotted Riley and Farkle sitting on the bleachers. "You did great Maya." Riley stated and clapped her hands. "Thanks." Maya replied as she drank some of her water from her hydro flask. She put her hair up in a messy bun. "I still don't understand sports." Farkle remarked as he watched the football team doing drills.

"It's easy you give the ball to that guy. Maya said pointing to Lucas, then he looks for an open spot while those guys in the middle prevent the other team from getting the quarterback. He throws it at the guy and he runs to the line and scores a touchdown."

"Wow maya you really know your stuff." Riley said. "My Dad watches it all the time and your brother talks about it nonstop that I kind of know what's going on." Maya answered.

"Set!" Lucas yells out and the players get into position. "Blue 30, Blue 30 hut-hut!" Lucas moves back and he tries to find an open person but a guy tries to grab him so Lucas dodged him and throws it at Zay. The other players try to grab him but he's unstoppable as he makes it to the ending line and scores a touchdown.

The whole team cheers and pat his helmet. He chest-bumped some of them and gave them some handshakes. "Nice play Friar!" Coach Reynold says. "Practice is over. Everyone get off the field." Coach says.

"Hey party at my house since Friar got us out early!" Chase yells out. Cheers and whoops were heard. "Nice play bro." Lucas's best friend Josh said. They did their handshake. "Thanks. He said.

"I think I know who's gonna be captain this year." His other best friend Zay said. "No way Alex and Landon are way better than me." Lucas says as he takes off his football shirt. "No way Lucas you're one of the best on the team."

"Thanks Zay." He applies some more Axe and puts on his white t-shirt. He takes off his cleats and socks and puts it in his gym bag. "What happened back there?" Josh asked.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked like he had no clue what he was talking about. "You were behind when we were running." Josh pointed out. "Fine it was just Maya kind of distracted me."

"You like Maya Hunter don't you ?" Josh said as he elbowed his shoulder. "Pfft no she was just hot." Lucas said nonchalant. "Okay I can tell when you're lying man. Just admit you like her." Zay said.

"No she's my little sister's best friend. She's also two years younger than me." He said. Zay and Josh roll their eyes. "Bro you gotta stop using that excuse. Who cares how old you you guys are.. well unless you're sixteen years apart that would be gross... Josh said as he was straying far from the topic.

"What Josh is trying to say is that it's not gonna matter after high school. Also Maya's not going to like you forever so you better talk to her before it's too late." Zay warned as they walked out the locker room.

"Fine I'll talk to her. I just need more time." Lucas said. "Okay man see you later." Zay and Josh waved as they walked away.

A/N : I might change this to rated m later. Thank you guys so much for reading. It makes me happy that you guys like my story. I'll also update tomorrow and Sunday as well!

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