Chapter Six

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Lucas set Maya down on the floor. "Ready to go Riley?" Lucas asked as he grabbed his car keys from the kitchen table. "Yeah let's go." Riley followed the couple out. Lucas carried his and Maya's bags to the trunk and Maya kissed his cheek as she climbed in the passenger seat.

"You're so whipped." Riley teased her brother. "Can't help it when it comes to her." He smiles as he closed the trunk.
Riley was glad that her best friend made her brother genuinely happy. Lucas always dated girls to fill a void in his heart ever since he had a bad breakup with his ex Jessica.

Jessica was manipulating and controlling and Lucas followed her every command. What he didn't know was that she had been cheating on him for months with his ex-best friend Travis and that broke his heart. But Riley saw a glint in his eye that she never saw in a long time and it was a love for Maya.

Riley looked up from her phone and she seen Maya giggling holding her hand over her mouth while the other one was clasped in Lucas's big one as Lucas smiled at her like she was his whole world.

They got their bags and walked up the steps to Abigail Adams. The whole class gasped at the newly formed couple but they didn't care. Maya swung their hands between them as they walked down the halls. They stopped at her locker. "I was thinking how would you like to go on a date with me this Saturday?"

Lucas leaned on the locker next to hers. "Of course Huckleberry." Maya said and closed her locker shut. "Okay cool." Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist. Maya leaned up and kissed him. They made out for a long time. "See you later babe." He whispered.

"Bye Luke." She kissed him again and Lucas reluctantly let go. She smiled and waved as Lucas waved back and walked with his friends towards his first period.

Maya walked into first period with a smile on her face. The bell of second period rang and Maya felt a pang in her jean jacket pocket. Maya looked down and seen it was her boyfriend.

Huckleberry: Hey gorgeous
Penelope : hey babe
Huckleberry : can you meet me at the lunch tables outside?
Penelope : I'm on my way

"See you later Riles." She hugged her best friend and walked down the hallway. She seen her boyfriend talking to a group of his friends. "Hey I want you to meet my friends." Lucas said as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"This is Josh." He pointed to a guy with blue eyes and brown hair. Josh waved and smiled at her. A guy's arm was wrapped around his shoulder and he kissed his cheek making Josh blush. "That's Noah his boyfriend." He had blonde hair and light brown eyes. "Hello Maya I love your outfit." Noah complimented.

"Thanks." Maya smiled. "This is Isaiah but we call him Zay." He pointed to a dark skinned boy. "Hello blondie." He smiled and winked. "That's Alex." He pointed to guy with black hair and light blue eyes. He smiled and waved.

"This is Charlie." He pointed to a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. "He literally talks about you all day." Charlie stated. "No I don't." Lucas denied. Charlie rolled his eyes. "I love her smile. Her blue eyes are so beautiful I can stare at them all day." Charlie mocked with a girl voice.

All of his friends laughed and Lucas blushed even harder. The bell to snack was over and they left the table. "Aww huckleberry is that true?" Maya cooed. "Yeah it's true." Lucas smiled at her fondly. Maya planted her lips on his. "I think it's sweet." She caressed his dark blonde hair softly.

"You think so?" Lucas replied as he intertwined their fingers. "I love seeing how fond you are of me." She answered. "I'll make sure to make a fool of myself if that's what the lady wants." He said in a posh accent.

"You're such a weirdo." Maya laughed. "But I'm your weirdo." He smiled. "True." Maya was about to lean in but instead walked into class.

"Damn she's gonna be the death of me." Lucas said as he walked away.

A/N : Who doesn't like gay characters in a story? Let me know if you think Josh and Noah are cute.

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