Chapter thirty six

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Lucas's body wracked with sobs as he sat in the hospital's waiting chairs. This was supposed to be a night to remember but all he wanted to do was forget.

He prayed to god to save her life. She was the love of his life. He couldn't handle the thought of never seeing her smile or laugh ever again. He needed her. She was his missing piece that made him complete. He can't live without her.

Shawn and Katy were across from him not looking any better. Cory and Topanga were consoling their best friends also crying themselves.

Farkle was also crying, rubbing Riley's back as she sobbed on his chest.

"Family of Maya Hunter?" A voice stated, making all heads shoot up. Shawn and Katy stood up and walked over to the doctor. They walked out the waiting room.

After a couple of moments, Shawn and Katy walked in. Lucas straightened up bracing for the news.

"They got the bullet out. She's going to be okay." Katy informed, with a tearful smile. Lucas leaned his head back against the wall in relief. My baby is going to be okay.

"Can we see her?" Lucas asked Katy. "Yes let's go," they followed her out of the waiting room.

Lucas opted to go last wanting to spend all his time with her. After Riley came out he walked in closing the door after himself.

Maya had an IV wire taped to her arm. Her golden blonde hair was sprawled on the hospital pillows. Her face had lit up when she saw him. Lucas felt a swirling pool of emotions circulate  inside of him.

"Maya," he remarked walking over. "Lucas," she responded, tears welling in her eyes. He leaned down and kissed her. The kiss expressing everything he felt in that moment.

They broke apart both breathing heavily. "I never got to say I love you," He whispered tears falling down his face.

"That kiss made up for it," Maya joked, making both of them laugh. She wiped his tears away with her hands. "I'm never letting you go again," he held her small hands.

"I'm counting you to that," she giggled. He pecked her lips again and sat down on the chair beside her.

Maya was brushing her hand  through his hair when the doctor walked in. "Hey Mrs. Hunter how are you feeling?" He asked, checking her vitals.

"I feel slightly better now that my boyfriend is here." She remarked,  making Lucas smile. The doctor grinned at the sight.

"Will she be able to leave?" He asked. "First thing tomorrow," He answered. "Thank you for saving her life," Lucas walked up and shook his hand.

"You're welcome kid just doing my job." He smiled at them before walking out.

Riley walked in. "Lucas, mom wants to head out." Riley piped up. "Okay I'll be out in a second." He told his sister. Riley gave her best friend another hug before walking out.

He pressed his lips against her forehead softly. "I love you. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."

"I love you too. Please bring me some Denny's." Maya requested making him chuckle. "Sure thing baby," He smiled fondly. He pecked her lips and left the room.

Maya smiled. Her eyes closed as she fell asleep.

A/N : Thank you guys so much for 11k reads! I never thought anyone would read this! It means everything to me! ❤️❤️❤️

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