Chapter Twenty Nine

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A/N : Mature Content in this chapter

Lucas woke up to the sun shining brightly in his face. He looked down at Maya and he was in awe at his beautiful girlfriend. The blanket had fell all the way down to her hips. Her pink lips blowing some blonde strands away from her mouth. Her beautiful chest breathing in and out. The sun from the window made her look ethereal.

He kissed her cheek and slipped on some new boxers from the drawer as he decided to go make breakfast for them downstairs. He took out the pancake mix, eggs, and bacon. Maya fluttered her eyes open. She smelt bacon coming from downstairs. She slipped on one of his shirts and headed downstairs.

"Good morning." She greeted warmly, snaking her arms around him. Lucas turned off the stove and turned around. He lifted her on the cold counter. "Good morning baby." He got in between her legs and caressed her ass softly with his big hands.

He planted his lips on her plump ones while Maya wrapped her arms around his neck. "You stole my shirt." He whispered in her ear as he playfully nibbled on it. "I look better in it anyways." She moaned. "You look better with it off too." He said seductively.

Her stomach suddenly growled loudly causing Maya's face to flush and Lucas to laugh. "Sorry I killed the mood." She covered her face in embarrassment. "It's fine let's go eat." He helped her off the counter. Lucas sat on the stool. Maya climbed into his lap. Maya cut some of the pancakes and fed him some.

Maya and Lucas finished their breakfast and headed back upstairs. They were now cuddling on the bed. Their legs tangled together. Lucas's phone vibrated on the nightstand. He reached for his phone and read the text.

"There's a pool party at Josh's at 5:00 pm. You wanna go?" He asked her. "Sure." She replied standing up from the bed. "I'm taking a shower wanna come?" She asked seductively as she slipped the shirt off her body and ran a hand through her hair.

"Don't have to ask me twice." He smirked and stood up from the bed and followed her to the bathroom. Lucas picked her up by her thighs as he shoved his tongue in her mouth. He pushed her roughly against the wall as the water from the shower head fell over their naked bodies. Maya clutched his wet hair and kissed the corner of his jawline before trailing kisses down his neck. She found his pulse and started sucking and nipping there causing Lucas to groan.

Maya's hair was matted to her face as Lucas pushed it back and kissed her soft pink lips. He made his way down to her supple breasts as he kissed around her nipple. He latched on her pink nipple making Maya moan and push his head closer. He did the same actions with the other. He sat her on the edge of the bathtub and made love bites on her inner thighs avoiding her needing and wet center.

"L-Lucas don't tease." She pleaded pushing his head closer. Lucas licked a long stripe up her wet heat making Maya moan. Lucas lapped at her clit and juices. He dove his head deeper into her legs his wet hair tickling her stomach and thighs. He pushed her back up against the wall and entered his eight-inch member inside her making both of them feel euphoria at the sensation of his member filling Maya up.

He started off slow and then gradually picked up his pace. Her boobs bouncing up and down as he penetrated her. Lucas fucked her harder the water making it easier to slip in and out of her. He hit her g-spot and kept on hitting it repeatedly as Maya felt heat pool in her stomach. It took one more push and Maya moaned and came on his throbbing member and the shower floor. He moaned letting out a string of curses and came right after her. Both of them gasping for breath. Maya's center clenched as he slipped his member out of her.

Maya's legs felt weak and they decided to take a relaxing warm bath together instead. They got out of the bath. Lucas gave Maya and himself a towel.
"Fuck, huckleberry I'm gonna walk weird all day." She grimaced as she felt an ache in her center. "I'm sorry baby." He said. "No it's okay babe I kind of like it rough." She told him taking off her towel.

"That was the sexiest thing I ever heard." He smirked. Maya giggled and slipped on her white bikini bottom and top. He checked her out, trapping his bottom lip between his teeth. Her bikini bottom showed her curvaceous ass. Her bikini top pushed up her breasts making them look bigger. Lucas felt his dick restrain in his swim trunks.

Maya saw him looking at her obscenely through the mirror. "Do you mind tying this around me?" She asked innocently knowing the effect she had on him. "Sure baby." His voice dropped an octave lower as he walked over. Lucas's large hands skimmed up her pale body making her body leave goosebumps in his wake.

He tied her bikini top with the strings. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard when we come back." He whispered in her ear grabbing her ass. "Can't wait for it." She whispered sexily feeling his member through his shorts. She put on her white cover up and flip flops. Lucas clasped their hands together as they walked out the house.

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