Chapter twenty four

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The alarm rang. Lucas turned it off. Maya slowly rose and stretched. "Good morning beautiful." He smiled. "Good morning babe." They pecked a couple of times. Lucas walked in with her to the bathroom. They both brushed their teeth and washed their faces. Maya straightened her hair with the flat iron.

Lucas took off his pajama pants and was left in his white boxer briefs as Maya came out of the bathroom. She bit her lips as she saw his bulge in his boxers. Maya took off her clothes. Lucas looked behind him. Maya was in a red lace bra with red panties.

He checked out her body. Her blonde waves cascaded down her back. Her curvaceous ass and her petite hourglass figure caused Lucas to bite his bottom lip and turn around.

Lucas dressed in a white shirt with his black leather jacket, blue jeans and combat boots. Maya dressed in a black and white short-sleeved striped crop top with a black skirt and black heels. She put her blonde hair in a high ponytail and applied red lipstick. His girlfriend looked like sex on two legs.

Lucas couldn't help but wrap his arms around her waist. "You look sexy as hell." He whispered in her ear. "Thanks babe." She had chills down her spine when he whispered in her ear. Lucas turned her around and leaned down to kiss her red lips. Maya moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

They had a heated make out session for a few minutes before finally pulling away for air.

Maya had to fix her lipstick and wipe some off of his face. Maya fixed her rumpled shirt. They ate breakfast and Cory dropped them off.

"See you later babe." He embraced her kissing her cheek as he left. The periods passed and it was lunch time. Lucas leaned back on the wall as he waited for Maya to come out of art class. She came out and intertwined his hand with hers as they walked to the cafeteria.

"Zay is gonna ask today." Lucas mentioned, swinging their hands between them. "Oh my gosh this is gonna be great." Maya smiled. Lucas and Maya greeted the table. Maya sat on his lap and Lucas set his chin on her shoulder. Smackle was sitting with her friends at the table besides theirs.

The doors opened and Smackle widened her eyes. Everyone brought out their phones as Zay walked in with a Superman costume. He had the sign that said : It would be super if you went to hoco with me! He also had flowers in his hand. He walked up to Smackle's table.

"Smackle will you go to homecoming with me?" He asked nervously. "Yes Zay I'll go with you." Smackle took the flowers and kissed him on the lips. Everyone in the cafeteria cheered.

Zay's smile broke out across his face. "D-do you wanna be my girlfriend also?" Zay stuttered. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend." Smackle smiled.

They held hands as they walked towards their table and sat. "We're together now." He smiled. Everyone in the group congratulated the new couple.

After practice, Cory dropped Lucas and Maya off at Maya's house. "Hey Mom." She greeted and hugged her. "Hey babygirl." She smiled. "Hi Mrs. Hunter." Lucas greeted and hugged her too.

"Hi Lucas it's Katy remember?" Katy said. "Sorry Katy." He corrected. "We need a huge favor from you." Maya remarked as they sat down on the stools at the kitchen table.

"What is it?" Katy asked. "Can you bake cookies for 200 people because I got nominated for princess and he got nominated for prince and we need them to win."

"Lucas and I will also help to make the process faster." Maya offered. "Okay then we're going to need a lot more dough." They went into Topanga's and got dough, food coloring, frosting, cookie cutters, and other essentials. Topanga said it was completely fine for them to use.

They had a routine. Maya mixed in the food coloring in the cookie dough, Lucas cut out the shapes, and Katy put it in the oven. They were like a well oiled machine. They finished making the cookies and wrapping them with pink and blue ribbons at 9:00 pm.

They were still some cookies leftover so Maya and Lucas ate the well baked cookies with milk on the couch. Shawn walked in. "Hey Katy." He kissed her on the lips. "Wow what happened in here?" Shawn asked. "Maya is nominated for homecoming princess and Lucas for homecoming prince and they needed me to bake cookies for them." Katy answered.

He seen Maya laughing as Lucas caught the cookie he threw in his mouth. "Aren't they so cute Shawn?" Katy smiled, seeing her daughter genuinely happy made her happy. Shawn was angry at Lucas at first about the incident but then he heard about what actually happened and he wasn't angry at him. He started to like the boy because he treated Maya as if she was a queen.

"Yeah but we're better." Shawn smiled and Katy rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Hey Lucas. Hey kiddo." He smiled. "Hi Dad." She hugged him and Shawn kissed his daughter's hair. "Hi Shawn." He greeted.

"My Dad's here so I have to go." He stood up from the couch. "I'll walk you out." Maya took his hand and walked him out the door. Lucas put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her. "I love you." Lucas smiled. "I love you too." Maya smiled. Lucas pecked her one more time before letting go and walking down the porch steps.

Maya waved goodbye watching the car drive away. She closed the door after her. Katy made spaghetti for dinner and after she ate she wished her parents a good night and walked upstairs to her room.

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