Chapter fifty eight

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Christmas break was over and they had to unfortunately go back to school. Maya moaned into Lucas's chest when she heard the alarm making Lucas chuckle. He reached over turning off the alarm from his bedside table.

"I don't wanna go." Maya pouted adorably. "I don't either but our parents would kill us." Lucas said kissing her forehead softly. She leaned up kissing her boyfriend on the lips before rising up from the bed stretching her arms out as she yawned. Lucas stood up from the bed going to the bathroom to wash up. Maya followed after him using the sink next to his. Maya placed her hair in a messy bun as she brushed her teeth.

After they were done, they got dressed for the day. Maya decided to wear a white halter top with blue high waisted jean shorts and white high tops. Her blonde wavy hair cascaded down her back effortlessly. She wore mascara and eyeliner that made her blue eyes stand out. She knew that she looked good and she smirked into the mirror loving the way she looked.

Lucas couldn't resist wrapping his toned arms around her slim waist feeling the soft skin under her shirt. She smiled holding up the phone camera to take a picture of them. She giggled when Lucas kissed her on the cheek. She posted it on her instagram.

They went back into the room to grab their backpacks and head downstairs to eat breakfast. Maya greeted Lucas's parents with hugs before hugging her best friend and sitting down besides her. "That outfit is killer. I'm stealing that top from you one of these days." Riley told her making Maya laugh.

"Are you kids ready for school?" Topanga asked sipping her cup of coffee. "No." They said simultaneously causing them to laugh. The parents talked to them a bit more before they had to leave.

Cory and Topanga kissed their children goodbye heading out of the house to go to work leaving the trio to eat together. After they finished breakfast, they headed inside Lucas's car. Lucas placed his hand on Maya's thigh as they drove to school.

"Baby can we stop by Starbucks?" Maya asked. "Sure we still have time." Lucas replied. Lucas pulled up to the Starbucks driveway. It was one of those rare days where Starbucks wasn't that busy at all. "Riles do you want anything?" Lucas asked his sister. "I want a pumpkin spice latte." She answered.

"What about you princess?" Lucas asked. "I want a venti java chip frappuccino." She answered. Lucas told the person their orders. After they got their much needed sweet drinks they headed back to the road to go to school.

When a song that they all knew came on they all started to sing. Lucas tried to sing a high note making Maya hold her stomach in laughter. They arrived at school in a few minutes. Lucas pulled in parking his car. Lucas slipped the backpack strap over his shoulder grabbing Maya's hand with the other.

Lucas kissed her on the lips before heading to his locker to grab his book for first period. Maya talked to Riley and Farkle about how much she dreaded coming back to school. "I don't want to see Mrs. Clark's ugly face anymore. Her class makes me want to die in a hole." Maya remarked making them laugh.

The bell to first period rang. Riley kissed Farkle goodbye as the duo walked to first period. First period had Maya almost falling asleep. Maya kept on texting Lucas on her phone. Lucas kept on sending her silly photos of him in class making Maya have an amused smile on her face at her dorky boyfriend.

Maya slipped her phone back in her pocket is the teacher would think she was paying attention to the lecture. Finally the class was over. She said goodbye to Riley heading to her second class.

The school day went by pretty quickly and it was now sixth period which was cheerleading. She was excited to get back into it. She spotted Smackle pulling her into a tight hug. "I missed you so much how was your vacation?" Maya asked eagerly as they opened their lockers to pull out their cheerleading uniforms.

"It was amazing. We went to the Philippines and I got to visit my mom's side of the family. It was so much fun." Smackle smiled. "I'm glad that you had a great time." Maya said putting her skirt on.

"How was your vacation with Lucas?" Smackle asked.  "Texas was amazing. The food and weather was amazing. His family is so nice and funny." Maya replied with a grin.

They continued to talk to each other as they walked out. Since football season was over the football team just stayed on the bleachers doing their homework until sixth period was over. Lucas watched as his girlfriend walked out of the girl locker's room. Maya and Smackle seen their boyfriends giving them both a wave. They both waved back with a smile. Lucas was talking to his friends Zay and Josh about how his break went. Zay told him the embarrassing incident that happened during his break which made Lucas and Josh laugh out loud.

Josh told them about how his relationship with Noah was going and that they both came out to their parents. Both of their parents were loving and accepting of them being gay. Lucas hugged his friend telling him how happy he was for him and Noah. Zay hugged Josh too giving him just as much support.

The bell to sixth period rang. Zay and Lucas waited for their girlfriends to get out of cheerleading practice.

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