Chapter thirty two

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"How does this look?" Maya opened the dressing room door walking out in a white halter top dress. Her dress accentuated every curve she had. "Wow Peaches, you look hot." Riley said. "If I wasn't straight I would fuck you." Smackle commented.

All three of them laughed. "Thanks Smackle." She blushed. "We should take a picture." Riley said bringing out her phone. Maya stood in the middle while Riley was to her left and Smackle was to her right.

They posed for a few more. "I'm gonna get out of this dress." Maya told them closing the door. They got out of their dresses too. They all paid at the counter.

They decided to go eat at Costco. They sat down at a table to eat their food. After they finished, they walked around the mall a little more. "My parents are here. See you guys later." Smackle embraced Maya and Riley.

"See you tomorrow." Maya waved. "Bye Smackle." Riley waved too. "I'm gonna call my dad." Riley declared. They waited on the red bench in front of Target. "Hey Riley." She heard her brother's voice. "Lucas what are you doing on dad's phone?" Riley questioned. "Dad fell asleep and he left his phone on the table." Lucas responded.

"Well can you pick us up then I don't want to wake him up." Riley said. "Sure I'm on my way." He replied, hanging up the phone. Lucas came in ten minutes. "Hey baby." He greeted Maya with a warm grin. Maya leaned over and kissed him. "Hey babe." She fastened her seatbelt.

"How was shopping?" Lucas asked, driving out the parking lot. "It was good I have my dress." Maya told him. "Can't wait to see it on and off you this Saturday." He said, causing Maya to giggle.

"Eww sister in the car!" Riley exclaimed. "Sorry Riles." Maya said. "I'm not." Lucas smirked. Maya giggled and shook her head. Lucas pulled up to Maya's house. "Bye babe I'll see you tomorrow." She kissed his cheek and grabbed her bags. "Bye Penelope."

"Bye Riles send me the pics." She told her. "I will." Riley answered. She waved goodbye walking inside her house.

Missy's POV

"Will you be able to get me out tonight?" Missy asked. "Yeah I have the car." The love struck police guy said. He had fallen under her charms and he was madly in love with her. "Thank you so much Leo I love you." Missy said in a fake sincere tone. "I love you too Missy." He smiled.

He pulled the fire alarm which caused the jail to flicker in a red light and the alarms to ring. He helped her through the vent. He closed it after her. "I'll come back for you." Missy said crawling through the air vent.

She saw the blue pickup truck waiting for her. She ran to the car. She took off the disgusting jumpsuit and put on a t-shirt and jeans. All the police officers were evacuating the kids to the backyard area. She put in the code and the gate opened.

"Yes!" Missy whispered driving away from that hellhole. She giggled maniacally as the wind blew through her hair. She was finally going to get revenge on Maya Hunter for stealing her man from her.

She put on a hoodie and glasses. She got red hair dye and green contacts. She drove  to her apartment. Her parents were always away on business trips so she had nothing to worry about.

She cut her hair until it was shoulder lenght. She hopped into the shower and dyed her hair. She put in the fake contact lenses. She knew that this Saturday was homecoming since she was head of the homecoming committee before the drug and rape fiasco.

"Maya Hunter you will pay and Lucas will be mine!" Missy grabbed a photo.

It was picture of Lucas and her at her birthday party two years ago. She smiled as she kissed the photo and hung it up in her room.

She would make an appearance at the dance that Abigail Adams won't forget.

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