Chapter thirty eight

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It was the last game football game of the year. It was the NYIF finals. For the first time in a long time the Abigail Adams Patriots made it to the finals.

The score was 28 - 28 and there were only thirty seconds left on the clock. Maya was cheering on the sidelines watching the game. She was on the edge of her seat like everyone else.

"Go baby you got this!" She cheered, waving her pom poms around. Lucas was trying to look for an open player but all of his options were limited. He looked up at the clock. They only had twenty seconds left or they would have to go overtime. A player was heading towards him and Lucas quickly dodged him and dashed down the field.

People on the stands were yelling and cheering. Lucas leapt towards the end line successfully. People from the stands cheered and ran down the stands to the field.

The Abigail Adams patriots had won the final. Everyone on the football team chest bumped him or patted his helmet. The field was surrounded by people.

The announcer gave the trophy to Lucas. Two football players lifted him up. Lucas held the trophy up and everyone cheered.

After the several pictures they had to take the football players were allowed to go home.

Many random people were hugging Lucas and congratulating him for making the winning touchdown.

Lucas was looking through the crowd for one particular blonde beauty. He saw her running towards him.

Lucas spread his arms outs and caught her as she threw herself around him. "You did it baby I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed.

"No we did it baby." He smiled before closing the space between them and captured her lips in a loving, passionate kiss.

After a few minutes they pulled away. "Oh my goodness you reek!" Maya held her nose and backed away.

"I thought you liked my scent." Lucas playfully teased. "Don't you dare!" Maya warned. Lucas smiled before running after her. Maya squealed as they ran around the field.

Lucas caught up to her and hugged her from behind. "I got you." He remarked. Maya giggled as he left feather light kisses on her neck.

Lucas and Maya walked back towards Lucas's family. "Congratulations honey," Topanga stated. "Thanks Mom," He smiled. "God job son I'm proud of you." Cory patted his shoulder.

"Thanks Dad," He responded. "Alright let's head out." Topanga said. They piled in the car and got home in ten minutes.

Lucas decided to take a shower first. After he got out, Maya went to take one too. Maya dressed in purple pajama shorts and a gray camisole.

"Pizza's here guys." Riley said through the door. "Pizza!" Maya beamed, running out of his bedroom at lightning speed making Lucas laugh following her out.

They both grabbed their food and sat on the bed. Lucas decided to go on Netflix. Maya wanted to watch the conjuring.

"Are you sure baby? I heard this was really scary." Lucas asked in concern. "Don't worry babe I'm not easily scared." Maya told him.

"Okay," he pressed play. He climbed into the bed with her. After a few minutes into the movie, Maya started to jump at the loud sounds and squealed a couple of times.

Lucas placed her on his lap and snaked his arms around her. Maya held his large hands with her small ones comfortable and safe in his arms.

After the movie, Maya was knocked out against his chest asleep. Lucas set her down gently beside him and placed the covers over her. Lucas shut off the TV and snuggled against her.

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