Chapter Forty Nine

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Lucas yawned and opened his eyes. He looked at his girlfriend that was sleeping peacefully beside him. He always wondered how he met such a beautiful girl like her.

Her small body was wrapped around his like a koala which made him smile. He was content with staying like this forever.

He gently shook her awake. "Hey baby get up." Maya moaned and clung tighter. He chuckled at her stubbornness. He shook her again and she finally woke up.

She smiled and pecked his lips. "Good morning huckleberry."

"Good morning princess." He smiled, placing her strands of hair behind her ears. He kissed her nose making Maya giggle.

They both stood up to go to the bathroom. After they finished washing up, the couple headed downstairs. Breakfast was once again set up on the table.

Lucas walked over and kissed his grandma on the cheek. He shook his grandfather's hand and greeted the rest of his family good morning. 

Maya hugged Riley and sat down next to her. Lucas sat on the other side of her. "Hey I was thinking we should go have a girl's day." Riley remarked, cutting her pancakes.

"That sounds nice. What time should we leave?" Maya asked. "At about 1:00 pm." Riley answered.
Perfect. Lucas thought. He can buy something for Maya at the town center since they will be gone most likely the whole day.

Lucas was laying on his bed watching tv as he saw Maya getting dressed. Maya was wearing a jean dress with brown combat boots. Her blonde hair was in a half up half down hairstyle. For makeup she was only wearing mascara and nude lipstick.

In other words, Maya looked gorgeous. "How do I look?" Maya asked her boyfriend. "You look amazing babe." Lucas complimented.

"Thank you. I'll be back soon. I love you.She leaned down and pecked his lips. "I love you too. Have fun." He waved as she watched her walk downstairs.

Lucas takes out his clothes he is wearing and decides to take a shower. After fifteen minutes, he climbs out. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. He gets dressed and walks downstairs.

"Hey pappy joe. I'm borrowing your truck." Lucas stated, getting the keys off the table. "Okay Luke." His grandfather answered.

He hops in the truck and reverses out of the driveway. In ten minutes he makes it to the town center. He finds a parking spot and climbs out.

He goes to the clothing store to get Riley a forever 21 gift card with 100$ on it. He gets his mom and dad bathrobes and slippers. He gets his grandma brand new gardening tools and his grandpa a new cowboy hat.

He also gets toys for the twins. Last but not least, something for the love of his life. He goes into Kay's jewelers to look for a necklace.

A particular necklace catches his eyes. It's a heart- shaped sterling silver necklace with a beautiful sapphire on the inside. The silver heart is diamond encrusted. He knows immediately this is the necklace for his baby.

"I would like to get this necklace please." He requested, pointing to the spot where the beautiful necklace sat.

"Ah yes. A beautiful choice. Who is it for?" The clerk asked politely taking out the necklace. "It's for my girlfriend." He answered with a smile. "That's so sweet."

"It costs 1,000$." The clerk told him. Lucas gave him the money. The clerk puts the necklace in a black box and in a small plastic bag. "Thank you for buying at Jared's. Hope you have a great Christmas." The clerk said.

"You too." He walked out the store. He goes to target to get wrapping paper. He goes to wetzel's pretzels to eat before leaving the mall. He puts all the gifts in the backseat.

Luckily, no one was at the house so he could wrap the presents. He finished wrapping the presents in two hours. He placed them next to the Christmas tree since the tree was already full of Christmas presents.

He takes off his clothes. He changes into his plaid pajama pants and a white v-neck. He collapsed on the bed tired from wrapping presents. He falls asleep immediately.

Maya and Riley walk inside along with Topanga and Cory since they took the girls out. Maya goes upstairs to place her shopping bags down. She walks in on her huckleberry sleeping on the bed.

She puts her bags next to the closet. She sheds off her clothes and puts on her baby blue shorts and t-shirt. She climbs on the bed. She places his arms around her and snuggles up against his chest.

They fall asleep for a few hours before waking up. Lucas smiled down at her and planted his lips over hers in a sweet kiss. "Good evening beautiful." He placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Good evening baby. What did you do while I was gone?" She asked sitting on his lap. He wraps his arms around her and answers, "I just went to the town center and looked around. What about you?"

"I got my nails and toenails done." She showed him her newly painted nails. They were a shiny turquoise color. "Then we went to mall to get some clothes and stroll around. That's about it." She answered.

"I'm glad you had fun. Let's head downstairs I'm starving." Lucas told her. They walk downstairs. For dinner, they had pizza from domino's.

They were watching elf in the living room. Elf always put a smile on Maya's face. It was one of her favorite Christmas movies. Midway through the movie, Maya fell asleep.

Lucas carried her bridal style up to bed. He turned off the light. He snaked his arms around her and fell asleep.

A/N : I'm sorry for taking so long. I will try to update sooner. I hope you liked this chapter.

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