Chapter sixteen

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Maya chose to spend the night at the Friar's again. "Maya wake up." She felt a light shaking. Maya mumbled something incoherent and snuggled back against Riley's pillow.

"Cmon Maya we get to see Lucas again today remember?" Riley said trying to convince her. "Huckleberry?" But it was mumbled in her pillow. "Yep come on." Maya finally got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to change her clothes and get ready. She was glad it was Saturday so she can spend the whole day with him.

She changed into a black and white striped crop top and rolled up blue jeans with black and white converse. She straightened out her hair and let it cascade to her waist. She decided to go makeup free today as they were just going to the hospital and then to his house.

"Good morning Friar family." Maya exclaimed as she giddily skipped down the stairs. "Someone's in a good mood." Topanga stated and handed her a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon and fruit.

"Huckleberry's coming home today." Maya responded as she ate a sliced mango off her fork. Maya finished her breakfast and went upstairs to Lucas's room. She picked out an outfit for him and stuffed it in a empty backpack. Maya slipped on one of Lucas's football hoodies and walked downstairs.

They got to the hospital in 20 minutes. They got to the second floor. Lucas was laying up on the bed. "Hey baby." He smiled as he saw his beautiful girlfriend come up to him. "Hey Luke." She gave him a chaste kiss on the lips since his parents were there.

"We got you some clothes." Maya said as she put the backpack in her lap. "You mind taking me to the bathroom?" Lucas asked. "No problem." Maya wrapped his arm around her shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist as they limped to the bathroom. Lucas sat down on the closed toilet seat and Maya took out his clothes.

Lucas untied his gown from the back and he was shirtless and only in his black boxers. Maya bit her lips and looked down at his amazing body. His muscles were chiseled and his six pack was prominent. He had a sharp v-line leading to his boxers.

"Like what you see?" Lucas quirked his eyebrow and formed a crooked smirk on his stubbled face. "I do." Maya's eyes dilated and she sat on his lap as Lucas wrapped his arms around her waist. Maya's hands traveled down his chiseled body until they stopped at his abs.

Her hands traveled back up to his neck. She made light kisses down to his collarbone and sucked there. Lucas bit his lip to stifle his groan. "Fuck babe." He whispered huskily and fluttered his eyes closed.

Before he could kiss her on the lips she got up from his lap. "That was for yesterday." Maya smirked evilly. "Now put on your shirt." Maya threw his red v-neck at his chest. "Damn it Penelope." He had a bulge in his boxers.

"Better take care of that." She giggled and hopped on the counter going through her social media. Lucas slipped on his red v-neck shirt, his gray sweats and his left sandal.

Maya helped him outside the bathroom and into the wheelchair the hospital gave him. They have to give him a motorized one because of his wrist. Maya put his backpack on again.

"Hop on my trusty steed princess and we will ride off onto the sunset." Lucas patted his lap. Maya curtsied and sat on his lap. Lucas put his arm around her waist securely while the other one moved the wheelchair stick. Maya's grin broke out on her face as Lucas kissed her cheek lovingly.

Cory and Topanga just shook their heads at them amused while Riley giggled as they followed them down the hallway to the elevator.

A/N : Thanks for all the support! You guys are amazing! ❤️

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