Chapter twenty one

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The week flew by quickly and it was Saturday. Lucas was going to get his leg and wrist cast off. Lucas texted Maya to come over as he was getting dressed. He slipped on a gray dry-fit long sleeve with gray sweats and black nike sandals.

He slipped on his black snapback on his unruly bed hair. He rolled out of his room. His family was at the kitchen table. The door opened and Maya came in. Topanga gave her a key because she was over all the time. "Good morning." She was wearing a gray beanie with a white knitted sweater, blue jeans, and brown boots.

"Good Morning Maya." They greeted with smiles. Maya walked over to Lucas. "Hey Huckleberry." She greeted Lucas and gave him a small kiss. "Hey baby." He grinned. "Are you ready to get your casts off today?" Maya asked sitting down on the kitchen stool. "Definitely." He answered. After they ate breakfast they climbed in the car.

Riley sat in the backseat and Lucas and Maya sat in the middle seats. They held hands while they talked about the first football game of the season the school will have next Friday.

They got out the car and walked in the hospital. They met the doctor and Lucas sat at the hospital bed as they cut the cast off his leg and his wrist. Lucas held Maya's hand during the process thinking it will hurt but it only tickled. The doctor checked if there was still any pain in his leg and wrist. There was stiffness so he gave Lucas a splint for his right leg and left wrist. The doctor told him to wear the splints for a few days and then come back for physiotherapy. That also means he can't play any sports which sucked.

It made him feel slightly better she was there. His parents thanked the doctor and they left the room. "You kids wanna get ice cream?" Topanga asked as they got in the car. "Yes!" Cory yelled making everyone laugh.

Topanga parked the car in the parking lot of Baskin Robbins. Lucas wrapped his arm around Maya's shoulders and opened the glass door as cold air hit them.

"Do you wanna choose the flavor babe?" Maya held his hand on her shoulder and turned to him. "I'm fine with whatever you get." He answered.

"Okay." Maya walked up to the glass as Lucas sat down on a chair. "Can I have a medium cup of birthday cake with two spoons please?" Maya asked. "Coming right up." The guy said. Topanga got strawberry, Riley got mint chocolate chip and Cory got cookies and creme.

They got back in the car and headed home. After they finished the ice cream, Lucas set the ice cream cup on the table.

Lucas laid back down on the bed. He took the snapback off his hair and ran his hand through his dark blonde locks. "Come here." His crooked smile spread across his face. Maya bit her lips and climbed on his lap. "What do you want?" Maya put her hands on his broad chest.

"You gotta little bit of ice cream right there." He pointed to his lips. "I can't find it." Maya said and frowned playfully. "I'll show you then." He lifted his hand and caressed her face. Maya leaned down and kissed him passionately. Lucas returned with an equal amount of passion. Lucas leaned up and kissed her neck making Maya moan and tug on his shirt.

Maya couldn't help but take off her sweater. She was wearing a white undershirt. She threw it across the room and kissed his soft pink lips again. Lucas tugged on her strap and bit softly on her pale shoulder.

Maya clenched on Lucas's hair and Lucas sucked harder until it was purple. Lucas's hands traveled down to her ass and squeezed making Maya moan but Lucas captured her moan with his mouth.

There was a knock on the door and Maya quickly jumped off him and pushed her sweater under the bed. She put her hair around her shoulders and laid down casually.

Topanga opened the door. "Lucas I'm running to the store real quick." "Okay." Lucas said. Topanga closed the door after them. Maya couldn't help but giggle and Lucas laughed too.

They both went out to the kitchen to look for something to eat. There was a Digiorno pizza in the fridge. Maya was looking at the instructions and she placed it in the oven for 350 heat.

They walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Maya laid her head on his lap and Lucas stroked her hair softly making Maya purr.

"The homecoming rally is this Friday." Maya stated. "Are you nervous?" He questioned. "Sort of this is the first time I'll perform in front of the school. I'm afraid someone will mess up." Maya admitted. "Don't worry about that I'll know you'll do great. That's why Mrs. Martinez picked you in the first place." He reassured her. "Thanks Huckleberry." Lucas kissed her nose making Maya smile relieving her doubts.

"I was also thinking we can go on our date next Saturday." Lucas stated. "Okay what time should I be ready?" Maya inquired. "7:00." He answered. The timer on her phone rang.

"Pizza's ready." Maya got up and ran to the kitchen. She put on the oven mitts and took the pizza tray out the oven. Topanga opened the door. "It smells good in here." She lifted the groceries and put them on the table. "I made pizza if you want some." Maya said.

"Thank you." Topanga said. Cory and Riley walked downstairs. "Wow it doesn't smell burnt for the first time." Cory stated. Topanga punched his shoulder. "Owe I mean I love it when you bake." Cory smiled and kissed his wife's cheek.

Everyone laughed. Lucas limped up to the kitchen. Maya was cutting the pizza in slices with the knife. She held up a piece to him. Lucas bit the slice. "Wow this is good babe."

"Thanks." Maya smiled. She gave him two slices. She also gave herself two  and they both sat on the couch. Maya sat in the center and Lucas sat on the right side of her while Riley sat on the left side of her.

Cory and Topanga sat on the couch too. They watched movies on the FX channel. Maya snuggled against Lucas laughing as they watched "Just go with it" with Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston.

After a few more movies, Maya and Lucas went into his room again as they were tired. Maya took out a shirt from his closet and it pooled around her knees making it look like a dress.

"Did I ever tell you you look sexy in my clothes?" Lucas said as he took off his shirt. "T-thanks Huckleberry." She blushed cutely. They climbed into bed.

Maya cuddled into Lucas and yawned. "Goodnight baby I love you." He kissed her cheek. "I love you too." Maya responded as they drifted off to sleep.

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