Chapter Forty Eight

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Maya yawned and fluttered her eyes open. She tried to feel a warm body next to hers but all she felt was the bed.

Maya fluttered her eyes opened and yawned. She could smell breakfast coming from the kitchen. She concluded that her boyfriend was still working in the farm.

Just then Lucas came walking in. His white shirt was soaked with sweat. His toned body was also glistening with sweat. His dark brown hair was matted to his forehead.

"Hey gorgeous." He greeted with a smile. "Hey babe." He leaned down and pecked her on the lips.

He took out a gray shirt and black sweatpants. "Want me to wait for you?" Maya asked.

"No you could have breakfast I'll catch up with you." Lucas answered. "Okay." She ran down the stairs making Lucas laugh.

After a few minutes, he got out of the shower. He threw on his clothes and walked downstairs.

He greeted his family good morning and made himself a plate. He sat down on the empty seat next to Maya.

After they finished breakfast, the couple sat down on the loveseat in the living room.

Maya was sitting on Lucas's lap comfortably. They were watching some action movie on the tv.

"Hey I was thinking later on we can go to a club." Lucas stated. "That sounds fun but how will I be able to get in?" Maya inquired.

"Don't worry I'm good friends with one of the bartenders. They'll let you in." Lucas assured.

A few hours later, they decided to get dressed. Lucas decided to wear a black button down with faded dark blue jeans and brown combat boots.

His dark stubble was sprinkled across his structure jawline. His dark blonde hair fell in front of his emerald green orbs.

He was waiting patiently for Maya to come down. Maya opened the door to their bedroom.

She was wearing a black halter top dress. Her pale skin contrasting perfectly with the dress. Her golden blonde hair was straight and feel down her back effortlessly. Her lips were a dark red.

Her ocean blue eyes popped from the smoke eye she was wearing. She was wearing three inch heels. Overall, Maya looked like a goddess.

Lucas's mouth dropped open in shock. Maya giggled and placed a strand of hair behind her ear. She walked downstairs towards Lucas.

"Do you like it?" She asked. "Babe I love it. You look incredibly sexy." He said. His voice an octave lower than it was.

He pulled her in by the waist. He leaned down and met his lips with hers. Maya moaned and threw her arms around his neck.

They kissed passionately for a few minutes before letting go of each other breathing heavily.

Maya wiped the lipstick that was on the corner of his mouth with her napkin. "Let's go." He intertwined their hands together and they walked out of the house.

They took his grandpa's truck and drove down the dirt road.

They made it to the club in twenty minutes. Lucas parked in the parking lot the club had. Lucas opened the door for her.

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