Chapter Fourty

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After thanksgiving break it was now off season for the football team and the cheerleading team. They were having a potluck at the gym since it was the last day before Christmas break.

The group was sitting around the stands. Maya was comfortably in Lucas's lap eating the frosted sugar cookies someone brought.

"What are you guys doing for Christmas break?" Zay piped up.

"I'm going to Colorado to visit my family." Noah answered. "I'm going to Philadelphia to visit my grandparents." Josh replied.

"I'm going to the Philippines to meet some of my family." Smackle responded. The rest gave answers. "I'm going to Texas with Lucas." Maya replied.

Maya was hesitant to go at first because she didn't want to intrude but Lucas insisted that she wasn't intruding on anything and that they will love her.

"Alright so when do you guys plan on leaving?" Zay asked another question. All said similar answers which was around Sunday.

"How about Saturday we go to the park and hang out together before we leave." Zay suggested. "I'm down." Lucas answered. "Me too," Maya responded.

The rest of the group agreed. The bell to sixth period was over. Teens rushed out of the gym for their freedom.

Lucas and Maya picked up their stuff and left the gym. They waited beside the gym doors for Riley and Farkle.

When the other couple arrived, the four of them decided to hang out at Topanga's. The familiar smell of hot chocolate and donuts spread through the air.

Katy had greeted the teens with a warm smile and walked over. She planted a kiss on her daughter's head. "Hey kids what would you like to order?" She asked, taking out her notebook from her apron pocket.

"I want a hot chocolate with a cinnamon crumble cake." Maya requested. "I'll have the same order." Lucas closed his menu.

"I want a maple bar and hot chocolate." Riley answered. "I'll have a bear claw and also hot chocolate." Farkle said.

"Coming right up." Katy took their menus and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Farkle what are you going to do for Christmas break?" Riley asked her boyfriend. "I'm going to Minnesota to visit my extended family." He answered.

Katy had brought their orders and they started to talk about what they will be doing for New Years. Around nine pm, Farkle's Dad came to pick him up.

Lucas and Maya decided to walk home together instead of getting rides from their mothers. They didn't mind the twenty minute walk as long as they were together.

Lucas interlocked his large hand with her small one. They passed by a store playing music through the speakers.

"May I have this dance?" Lucas asked in a terrible British accent. "You shall," Maya stifled her laughter. He placed one hand on her waist, while he held her hand with the other. Maya placed one hand in his and one hand on his broad shoulder.

Lucas span her around a few times making Maya chuckle. They were lost in their own world not caring about the looks people were giving them.

Lucas smiled at her like she hung up the stars and the moon. Maya gazed at his emerald green eyes, getting lost in them.

"I love you." Lucas confessed. "I love you too." Maya remarked. He leaned down and kissed her.

After a few minutes they broke apart. Lucas smiled and pecked her nose. "Let's go princess." He threw his arm over her shoulder and they made the trek home.

"I'll come pick you up around nine am." Lucas informed while they stood on her doorstep. "Okay," Maya said.

Lucas enveloped her in a hug. He pecked her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," she smiled. They let go of each other. Lucas gave her another wave before walking down the sidewalk disappearing into the night.

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