Chapter Forty Four

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After another day at the farm Lucas took a shower and collapsed on the bed immediately going back to sleep.

Maya was the first one that woke up. She was surprised to see Lucas still asleep since he was always up before her.

"Hey baby you gotta get up." Maya shook his shoulder. She only got a grunt in response.

She chuckled. She shook him again and he finally woke up. "Good morning beautiful." He stated in his deep morning voice that gave Maya chills.

"Good morning babe." She stroked his dark hair back. Lucas smiled. He loved it when she stroked his hair. She decided to brush through it for a few minutes.

He pecked her cheek and rose up from the bed with a yawn. Maya followed after him as they walked downstairs.

Grandma Abby made pancakes with bacon and sliced fruit. Everyone else was in the living room watching TV.

Maya grabbed her plate and piled it up with food. She moaned when she took a bite of the chocolate chip pancake. Some syrup was in the corner of her mouth making Lucas chuckle.

He wiped it with his thumb and sucked on it. Maya smirked, leaning over and they made out for a few seconds. They finished their breakfast and sat down with the rest of the family.

"Hey there is this club that I wanna take you to. Are you up for it?" Lucas asked. "That's fun when will we be going?" Maya asked.

"I'd say about seven." Lucas answered. "Hey kids we're going to visit Aunt Melissa today." Cory declared.

"What time?" Riley inquired. "At 2:00 pm to say the least." Topanga replied.

Lucas and Maya went to the room to get dressed. Maya decided on a Black off the shoulder blouse with blue high-waisted jeans with black and white converse. She straightened her hair and let it down.

Lucas decided on a black t-shirt with dark blue jeans and black and white vans. He put a black beanie over his hair to complete the look.

"Ew we're literally matching." Maya scrunched her face in disgust. "Aren't we the cutest?" Lucas said in a high pitched girly voice making Maya laugh.

"You are so weird why am I even with you?" Maya teased, throwing her arms around his shoulders. "Because you need a little weird in your life." Lucas said. He smiled before leaning down and pecking her lips.

"Let's go." Maya grabbed his hand and they walked downstairs. Riley was in the backseat. Maya and Lucas sat in the middle seats.

"How long until we get to Aunt Sarah's house?" Riley asked. "In about an hour." Topanga answered.

"I can't wait to see Mason." Riley exclaimed. "Do you guys have a picture? I wanna see." Maya asked.

"Here you go." Lucas gave her his phone. The picture was of Mason in a blue onesie. He had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was holding a light green elephant.

"He is so cute." Maya cooed, giving back Lucas's phone. "He's definitely gonna be a heartbreaker that's for sure." Lucas joked.

"Lucas you were so cute as a baby what happened?" Riley asked causing Maya to laugh. Lucas turned around to face Riley.

"Didn't Mom ever tell you that you were adopted?" Lucas retorted. After that remark the siblings started to bicker back and forth.

"You guys stop fighting right now." Topanga demanded. "Fine." Lucas stuck his tongue out before turning around.

Riley rolled her eyes and went back on her phone. After a few seconds, they laughed at the dumb situation. Riley and Lucas always made up after an argument. They can never stay mad at each other for long.

They finally arrived at Aunt Sarah's house. The house looked like the ones you see on the catalogs. It was a blue suburban two-story  home with a white door and porch. It had a beautiful white porch swing on the left side of the porch.

Topanga had knocked on her older sister's door. Lucas was squeezing Maya's hand sensing her nervousness.

As if he heard her thoughts he assured her that his family will love her and she had nothing to worry about.

"But there can be a possibility that they won't like me. Then what will happen?" Maya questioned.

He pulled her in by her waist. "Baby I have no doubt that they won't like you. Once they see how happy you make me they will definitely love you like I love you. Everything will be okay." Lucas told her.

Maya nodded her head. Lucas pressed a long kiss to her forehead making Maya smile, her doubts disappearing in the back of her mind.

Lucas intertwined their fingers and they walked to the porch.

The door was opened and a tall girl came out. She looked like she was in her mid thirties. Her hair was the same color as Topanga's which was a blonde-brownish color.

You can tell they were sisters since they had some similar features. Sarah's eyes were cerulean blue instead of Topanga's emerald green. She was also a bit taller than Topanga too.

"Hey Topy." She greeted her younger sister with a warm hug. "Hey Sarah how have you and the family been?"

"They've been good. Mason is an angel compared to Ian and Allison." Sarah joked. "Hey Michael and I are planning on going out tonight you and Cory should come." Sarah suggested.

"That sounds like fun." Topanga exclaimed. "Hey Cory how are you?" Sarah hugged her brother in law.

"It's been good. I've been promoted to principal at JQA." Cory stated. "Congratulations Cory. I know how long you wanted to get that job."

"My favorite niece and nephew come here." Sarah beckoned them over. Lucas and Riley were enveloped in a suffocating hug. "Aunt Sarah can't breathe." Lucas breathed out.

She finally released them. Maya smiled at the sight. "Aunt Sarah I would like you to meet someone." Lucas turned his head towards Maya and brings Maya up with them on the porch.

"My goodness Lucas who's this?" Sarah asked. "Aunt Sarah this is my girlfriend Maya. Maya this is my Aunt Sarah." Lucas introduced them.

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