Chapter Fifty Four

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Lucas woke up at around eleven. He walked down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Lucas scarfed down his breakfast and went back upstairs.

At around five he took a shower. He decided to wear a red cable knit sweater, blue jeans and brown combat boots. He let his brown hair fall against his face.

He grabbed his car keys and left the house. He arrived in ten minutes to Maya's house. He knocked on the door.

Maya opened it up. Lucas couldn't stop staring at her. Maya was dressed in a red dress with a white cardigan and brown ankle boots.

Her hair was in an half up half down hairstyle. She wore light makeup. "You look beautiful." He pulled her in for a kiss.

"Thanks baby. You look handsome too." She smiled closing the door. Lucas took her hand and they walked up to his car.

He opened the door for her. He went to driver's seat. Lucas put the car in reverse and drove down the road.

Maya turned to the Christmas station and they started to sing obnoxiously loud.

They arrived to Zay's house. Zay opened the door and welcomed the couple in with hugs.

The rest of the group stood up to greet them too. Everyone talked about how fun their trips were but they were excited to be back.

"As a gift for Christmas my dad got us all tickets to Dick Clark's New Year's Rocking Eve!" Charlie exclaimed pulling out seven tickets.

"No way dude that's awesome." Alex declared. "Tell your dad thanks for us." Lucas said.

"I will." Charlie passed out the tickets. "This calls for a celebration." Zay held up his beer bottle.

All of them held their drinks up. "I want to thank all of you guys for being my friends and making this year amazing!" Zay said.

"To us!" They clinked their bottles together. Josh dropped the bottle making it spill all over him making them laugh.

Lucas grinned pulling Maya up from the couch. Lucas snaked his arms around her. Maya flung her arms around his neck.

They smiled at each other and the rest of the world faded away. Lucas kissed her on the lips. Maya smiled returning the kiss with equal fervor.

They decided to do Christmas karaoke. Zay and Lucas did a horrible rendition of Mariah Carey's song.

Smackle and Maya did the jingle bell rock along with the Mean girls choreography. Noah and Josh did a hilarious version of baby it's cold outside.

Maya, Smackle and Noah decided to make some cookies from Zay's fridge. Lucas decided to pour some egg nog in the cups.

Zay was putting on home alone in the DVD player and Josh and Charlie were talking to each other.

Maya, Smackle and Noah informed them that the cookies were ready. Everyone grabbed a plate full of cookies and milk and sat down in the living room. They were all too lazy to leave so it was a group sleepover.

Zay passed them blankets and pillows from the cabinet. Lucas and Maya shared the couch. Zay and Smackle slept on the air mattress.

Noah and Josh slept on another air mattress. Charlie slept on the recliner and Alex slept on the other couch.

Lucas kissed her on the forehead and pulled the blanket over them. They all woke up around ten.

Lucas and Maya said goodbye to everyone and left the house. Lucas stopped by McDonald's to get some breakfast.

They drove back to Lucas's house. Lucas and Maya sat in the living room watching a random show that was on the television.

Lucas and Maya went up to his room after he finished eating. Lucas took a shower first. Maya went in after he was done.

Maya placed her head on his chest while Lucas snaked his arm around her.

They took a nap waking up around four. Maya wanted to go to the mall so they got dressed.

They arrived at the mall in about twenty minutes. Lucas clasped his hand around hers as they walked around the mall.

Maya bought some new clothes from
Forever 21. Lucas bought a couple clothes at Zumiez and Pacsun.

They got wetzel bites and lemonades at wetzel's pretzels and sat down at a table while they ate.

"Can you believe that break is almost over and then we have to go back to school again?" Maya said, taking a bits of the warm dough.

"Yeah it sucks but second semester always goes by pretty fast." Lucas said. "You're right." Maya declared. They threw their trash away and walked around some more before going home.

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