Chapter thirty three

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A/N : Mature content in this chapter

"Are you ready to go?" Lucas asked as he walked in her house. "Yeah I'm just grabbing my purse." He heard from upstairs. He heard her door shut as she walked downstairs.

She was dressed in a red sweater, black leggings and brown boots. Her hair was in a messy bun and she opted out of makeup. "Hey huckleberry." She greeted with a smile plastered on her face. Lucas picked her up and planted his lips on her pink ones. "Hey baby." He grinned as he kissed her again.

Lucas set her down and clasped his hands with hers as they walked out the door. Lucas parked in the parking lot of the ice skating rink. He grabbed his skates that he borrowed from his dad. Maya grabbed hers too.

They saw Zay putting on his skates in one of the booths. Smackle was also putting on her skates. "Hey man." Lucas greeted as they did their handshake. "Hey bro." He greeted back. Maya hugged Smackle in greeting. Lucas hugged Smackle and Maya hugged Zay.

Lucas and Maya sat down on the other side. They put on their skates and walked to the rink. Zay was already skating on the rink with Smackle in front of him. In contrast, Lucas was holding on to Maya's hand for dear life as she skated at a slow pace. "You got this babe." She encouraged him while they continued to skate.

She started to skate a little bit faster and Lucas had followed her leg movements. She let go of his hand and Lucas was skating on his own. "Yes I did it!" He exclaimed with a grin formed on his face. Then he fell on his ass causing Maya to laugh.

Lucas got up again and told her to shut up with a grin on his own. Lucas fell quite a few times but he finally got the hang of it. Lucas watched as Maya did a flip jump and landed gracefully on her feet.

"Wow baby, you're a pro at this." Lucas commented as she watched her do an axel jump. "Well my mom used to take me ice skating and gymnastics when I was younger so that's why I'm flexible." Maya told him skating with her back towards him.

"Wanna test it out tonight?" He whispered seductively in her ear. Maya felt shivers down her spine. "I'd love nothing more." She answered with a smirk. Lucas leaned down and planted his lips on hers. Maya flitted her hand through his hair. They finally pulled away after a few minutes. They skated towards Smackle and Zay.

"Hey guys wanna go to Topanga's to get hot chocolate?" Zay asked. "Yeah I'll drive." Lucas announced as they walked towards the car. They bought four hot chocolates and muffins.

"So how's physiotherapy?" Zay inquired. "It's good my therapist said my limbs are completely healed and I could go play sports again." He confessed with a grin.

"Congratulations baby." Maya kissed him on the lips. "Thanks babe." He smiled. "This is awesome man." Zay exclaimed. "Congratulations Lucas." Smackle congratulated him too. "Thanks guys." He remarked.

Lucas pushed Maya roughly against her door. His tongue battled with hers as he licked into her mouth. He squeezed her ass causing Maya to jump and wrap her legs around him. Lucas opened her bedroom door and they fell on the bed.

He unraveled her bun causing her golden hair to spread across her baby blue sheets. He tangled his hand in her hair while the other grasped her small waist. He lightly nipped at her sensitive spot on her neck causing Maya to moan. He left a few purple patches on her pale neck. He pulled up her sweater leaving her in her white lace bra.

Maya tugged on his black sweater and he took it off and threw it on the floor. His abs were prominent and his muscular body had glistened with a sheen of sweat. Maya pulled him down to her lips again.

Lucas's hands traveled to her leggings and tugged them down her pale smooth legs. Maya unzipped his pants and pulled them down revealing his bulge in his boxers. Lucas unclasped her bra revealing her medium sized breasts.

He latched on to one with his warm mouth and rubbed the other one. Maya tugged his hair hard making Lucas moan into her nipple. He did the same action with the other and kissed his way down. Lucas pulled off her wet underwear revealing her shaved and dripping wet center.

He licked a long stripe of her pink folds. Maya let out a obscene moan that made Lucas's cock twitch in his boxers. He plunged his tongue deep in her core while inserting a finger inside her.

Lucas pushed another finger in making Maya follow his fingers. He added a third one and Maya whimpered when he kept on hitting her sensitive bundle of nerves.

Lucas pulled his fingers out and Lucas slowly entered her. "Fuck Maya you're tight." He groaned as he pushed his member all the way in causing Maya to moan loud in pleasure. He felt her accommodating to his size as she squeezed his cock.

Lucas swallowed her screams with his lips as he slowly started to grind into her. "Faster." Maya breathed out from her swollen pink lips. Lucas slid his member in and out of her at a rapid pace. Maya clutched his back with her fingers causing Lucas to groan into her neck.

She felt heat pool to her abdomen and Lucas gripped the headboard as he slammed into her. He found her g-spot and Maya cried out as he kept on hitting it over and over again. Maya moaned and arched her back as she reached her climax. "Cum for me." She whispered hotly in his ear causing Lucas to groan and release his fluids deep into her.

Lucas slid out of her. He laid down next to her and pulled her sweaty body close to him. He kissed her forehead. "I love you." He confessed to her. "I love you too." She kissed his neck as she snuggled against him.

"I gotta go soon." He stated, tubing rubbed her back. "No I want you to stay." She pleaded as she clutched him tighter. "I wish I could but unfortunately that's not my car." He replied, reluctantly pulling out from her warm embrace.

"I keep on forgetting that's your dad's car." Maya remarked seeing him slide on his boxers. "I know I hope I get a new car." He slips on his sweater and pants. He puts on his shoes and stands up from the bed.

Maya climbs off of the bed. She slips on a white nightgown. She follows him to the door. Lucas leans down and kissed her. "Bye baby I love you." He snaked his arms around her. "I love you too." She grinned letting go of him. She watched him from the doorway as he drove away.

A/N : All my chapters I written were deleted but I won't let it affect me. It will just take a little longer to update. I hope you guys understand. ❤️

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