Chapter Four

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Lucas walked out the football field and spotted his little sister Riley with Maya and Farkle talking at the bleachers. "Hey guys." He said. "Hey Lucas." Maya turned around and smiled at him. Maya was effortlessly beautiful with a few strands of her blonde hair in front of her face. She had small freckles scattered on her nose and cheeks.

Lucas didn't notice how long he was staring at her until Riley cleared her throat. Lucas shook out of his trance. "Let's go guys." He blushed and sped walked away.

"Did you see that Riley?" Maya whispered. "Of course I seen the way he looks at you. Maybe he does like you." Riley remarked. "I might actually have a chance with him." Maya told her with a hopeful gleam in her blue eyes.

They walked toward his car. Lucas drove out of the parking lot. "Hey are you going to Chase Lockwood's party tonight?" Lucas asked. "Yeah one of the girls invited me." Maya stated as she looked at her phone.

"Aww man I can't come. I have to study for Mrs. Briggs test tomorrow." Riley remarked. "I'll study with you so you're not alone." Farkle said as he held her hand. "Thanks Farkle." Riley smiled.

"Riles you mind if after the party can I spend the night at yours since I don't want to get in trouble." Maya said. "Sure Peaches." Lucas parked the car in front of Maya's driveway. Maya got out and closed the door. "See you at eight Penelope." He smiled. "See you Huckleberry." She said as she walked in her house.

The party started at eight and Maya FaceTimed Riley on what to wear. She held up a red dress with a sweetheart neckline and a black dress that had a v-neck in the front and a square cut-out in the back.

"The black one definitely." Riley said with her hair in a messy bun and glasses on her face. "Thanks Riles." Maya said. "You're welcome now come back at a reasonable hour."

"Yes Mom." Maya said. She straightened her hair and applied red lipstick and eyeliner that brought out her blue orbs. She wore black high heels that made her legs look long.

She grabbed her black leather jacket and walked downstairs. She texted her mom and Dad to let them know she was spending the night at Riley's. They said it was fine. Maya got a text from Lucas that he was here.

She opened the door. "Hey Huckleberry." She observes what he was wearing. He was wearing a black button up. A few of the buttons were unbuttoned that showed his bare chest.

He was wearing dark blue Levi jeans and black vans. His face was newly shaved and he looked hot. Lucas was doing the same as well and his heart was beating out of his chest. "Wow maya you look beautiful." Lucas commented.

"Really?" Maya blushed and looked down. "Y-yeah." Lucas had stuttered. What the hell? Lucas doesn't stutter! Act cool! "Ready to go." He smiled and put his hands in his pockets. "Let's go."

Lucas not so subtly wrapped his arm around her thin waist making Maya blush even harder. They walked to the car. Lucas parked in the curb. Music was blasting out of the house. There were red solo cups everywhere.

People were throwing up in lawns. Some people were making out. Others were smoking. Lucas knocked on the door and his whole football team cheered. "Sup man." Chase slurred. "Here's a drink." He handed a red solo cup to him. "And one for the lady." He hands her the drink.

"Thanks." Maya said. Chase danced his way in the crowd. People were grinding on each other and it smelled like beer and weed. Lucas poured his drink back in the keg. "What are you doing?" Maya asked.

"Hey I'm the driver. I'm not going to drink and let you get killed." Lucas said and looked into her blue eyes. "Thanks hopalong." She smiled. Maya drank her drink and cheered.

Lucas decided to hang out on the wall. Girls kept on coming up to him but Lucas kept on declining them. He only had one girl in mind. Maya at this point was drunk. "Cmon huckleberry dance with me." She pulled him to the dance floor.

A dirty song came on. Maya had turned around and her ass was on his crotch. She was grinding on him and he had a bulge. Lucas put his hands on her hips and Maya held his neck with her hands.
Fuck. Lucas thought.

Maya turned around so she was looking at him. Her hair was in her face. Eyeliner was messily on her eyes. Her red lips were so kissable. Maya leaned up and kissed him. Lucas closed his eyes and enclosed his mouth with hers.

Lucas tasted beer with a mixture of vodka on her tongue. The kiss was wet and sloppy but he didn't care. Lucas moved his hands down her waist and squeezed her ass causing Maya to groan. Lucas kissed her jawline down to her neck and bit her sensitive spot on her neck.

"Let's get out of here." Maya whispered in his ear. Lucas didn't hesitate and picked her up and walked upstairs still kissing. Maya had bit his neck and Lucas groaned and opened the first door.

He kicked the door shut with his shoe. He laid her down on the bed and kissed his way back to her mouth that he couldn't get enough of. Lucas was about to take off his shirt when Lucas stopped. No. He didn't want to take advantage of her like this. He wanted to do this when she was sober and had consent.

Maya leaned up to unbutton his shirt but Lucas held his big hands in her small ones. "Lucas." Maya whined. "No, I can't do this Maya." Lucas told her and sat up in the bed.

"Why not Huckleberry don't you want this?" Maya remarked  as she pouted. "I don't want to take advantage of you Maya. You're too important to me." Lucas responded.

"First you say I'm too young and now you say you don't want to fuck me? Am I ugly?" Maya cried. "No Maya listen to me. You're beautiful. I like you and I care more about you than all those other girls. That's why we can't."

"You like me?" Maya sniffled. "Yes I do like you." He wiped the tears off her face. "I want to talk to you about this when you're sober okay?" Lucas said.

"Okay." Maya replied. "Come here." He held out his arms. Maya crawled into his lap. Lucas kissed her head and caressed  her back in small circles.

A/N : Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Let me know what you think!

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