Chapter Fifty Five

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The next day the group decided to go ice skating. Lucas threw on a dark green sweater with blue jeans and brown boots. He placed a beanie over his over his hair, leaving a few strands of dark hair out.

He threw on his winter coat and walked downstairs. He ate some cereal talking to his family before leaving the house.

He arrived at Maya's house. He pulled in Maya's driveway. He was met with Maya's dad. Shawm pulled him in for a friendly hug inviting him inside their warm house.

"She'll be out in a couple of minutes. You want some cookies that Katy made?" Shawn asked. "I already ate thanks though." Lucas declined the offer.

Shawn sat down next to him. They casually talked as they waited for Maya to come downstairs.

"I'm ready!" Lucas heard Maya's voice as she walked downstairs. Lucas stood up. He pulled Maya in for a hug and a chaste kiss. They said goodbye to Shawn and left the house.

Lucas stopped by Starbucks and got them both some hot chocolate to warm them up.

They finished their hot beverages by the time they got there. Lucas laced his fingers with Maya's as they walked to where the group was meeting up.

They greeted the couple and they walked inside to get ice skating shoes. After they got their shoes laced up they entered the ice rink.

Lucas was a bit better from last time falling only twice. Lucas took his phone out. Maya kissed his cheek while Lucas smiled as he took a couple pictures of them. He pecked her lips and they continued to skate around the rink.

Zay was completely falling over his ass so Smackle had to hold his hand so he wouldn't fall over.

Noah and Josh were happily skating around the rink. Charlie and Alex were laughing as they both fell over and over. Their group was an absolute mess but they all had a great time anyway.

After a while they went up to hill so they could go sledding. Lucas grabbed a black toboggan. Maya sat in front while Lucas sat in the back. He pushed them from the hill.

They both cheered as they slid down the slope. They crashed in the pile of snow making Maya giggle. Lucas pulled her up, wiping the snow off her face.

They ran up the slope so they could go again. They all looked like children as they went up and down the hill again and again.

After a couple of hours they were hungry so they stopped by In n out to eat.

"Whoever made in n out is a genius I tell ya." Zay said as he took a large bite of his double double. They all moaned in agreement too busy eating themselves.

"It's crazy that we're going to be seniors next year." Charlie said. "High school honestly felt so quick." Lucas said.

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to think about all of us possibly separating." Noah pouted. "I agree." Josh added.

They decided to change topics deciding on what they were going to do for summer.

After they finished dinner they all said split off to their cars to go home. Lucas and Maya were laying on the bed watching some show on the television.

"Babe I have a question." Maya spoke up. "What is it baby?" Lucas asked. "Um where are you planning to go after you graduate?" Maya bit her lip in nervousness.

"I think I'm going to stay here." Lucas answered her. "What? Why would you stay here. I thought you would have wanted to go back to Texas." Maya exclaimed.

"I like it here and it's too far away from you." Lucas said making Maya blush. "Don't do this just for me." Maya stated. "I'm doing this for us. I can't stay away from you. I love you too much." Lucas said.

Maya leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Lucas held her waist and brought her small frame closer to him. Maya carded her hands through his hair as they got lost in the passionate kiss.

"I love you too. I'm glad you're staying here." She smiled. "Me too." He grinned. He brought his lip back to hers again.

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