Chapter thirteen

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Maya was putting on her cheerleading uniform. These past two weeks were horrible for Maya. Every couple she passed it reminded her of them. Maya tried to keep a happy face that didn't show how heartbroken she was but Riley can see through her.

Maya didn't understand why Lucas would do this. She thought that he was different but she was wrong about him. Every time he would try to talk to her she remembered that night over and over again.

"Pssst Maya." She heard a whisper. Maya turned around and it was one of Missy's followers Abigail. "What do you want Abigail?" Maya asked as she rolled her eyes.

Abigail checked if everyone left the locker room. "You're boyfriend didn't cheat on you." Abigail stated. "What? I saw it right in front of my eyes. Is this a joke?" Maya said as she glared at her.

"No Missy put a drug in Lucas's drink and Missy pretended to have sex with him." Abigail said relieved to get it out. "How do I know you're not lying?" Maya accused.

"I'm not I swear it. Missy asked one of her friends to give her some drugs. They're in her locker." Abigail said as she pointed at the red locker. "Oh my gosh. That fucking bitch! Lucas has been trying to talk to me this whole time but I completely ignored him. I need to talk to him and tell him I'm sorry."

Maya ran out of the locker room. She feels a buzz in her cheerleading jacket. She takes it out and sees it's from Riley. "Yeah honey?" Maya asked. Riley cried through the phone. "M-maya Lucas is in the hospital." Those words made Maya's heart drop and shatter. "What h-happened?" Maya asked on the verge of tearing up herself.

"He's been in a car accident. I'm waiting for you at the nurse's office." Riley said. "I'm on my way." Maya runs out the locker room and pass the gym doors. She spots her friend Riley crying on her boyfriend's shoulder.

Riley looks up and sees her best friend. Riley embraces Maya as they cried on each other. They walk out the school doors. Cory is waiting for them in the minivan. Riley hops in the back with Farkle while Maya stays up front.

Maya bites her lip and wipes a tear away from her cheek. This was all her fault. If she would have just listened to him none of this would have happened. He would be smiling and he would be holding her and making her laugh.

They pull up to the hospital parking lot. Maya rushes up to the table. "We're here to see Lucas Friar." Maya said. She probably looks like a mess but she does not care.

"He's in room 205 on the second floor." The lady says in pity. Maya pushes the button. The elevator opened and Maya presses number 2. They all wait in the waiting room. Maya is tapping her tennis shoe on the linoleum floor. Cory is talking to Topanga outside the waiting room. Farkle is comforting Riley on his shoulder.

"Family of Lucas Friar." The doctor said. Riley stood up. Cory comes back from his phone call and put it in his pocket. "Lucas is in a coma.We gave him a blood transfusion since he lost a lot of blood. He luckily only broke a leg and a wrist. You are allowed to talk to him. Even though he can't talk he will listen."

"Can I please take her with me?" Riley asked as she took Maya's hand. She's just as important as family." "Okay I'll let you guys since it's not much of a hassle." The doctor relents and they all walk behind him.

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