Chapter twenty two

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Maya woke up at 10:00 am. She yawned and tried to get out of Lucas's embrace but Lucas pulled her in tighter.

"Lucas I have to get dressed." Maya hit his chest softly. "Why when we can just snuggle in bed all day?" He said in his deep husky voice causing goosebumps to spread on Maya's body.

"Riley and I are spending the day together." Maya answered. "Okay when will you be back?" Lucas let go of her waist and Maya slid off the bed. Maya took off his shirt and her shorts leaving her in her black lace bra and underwear.

"We will be back at 4:00 I believe." Maya said bending down to take out her clothes. Lucas couldn't help but admire her ass. "I'm going in the shower." Maya informed, closing the door.

Lucas slipped on some pajama pants and walked in the kitchen. He made bacon and eggs. Riley came down in a white blouse with blue jeans and flip flops.

"Hey Lucas, eww put on a shirt." Riley grimaced, putting her hand over her eyes in disgust. "I'll have you know Maya likes this body." He smirked and passed her a plate. Riley rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch turning on the TV. Maya came out of his room. Her hair was in a half bun half down hairstyle in her natural blonde waves.

She was wearing a red romper with white converse. She was also wearing mascara that brought out her ocean blue eyes. "Damn Penelope." He bit his lip looking at his beautiful girlfriend. "You like it?" She asked with a small smile. "I love it." He whispered and pulled her in by her waist. He kissed her on the lips and Maya smiled into it. They released and Maya got her plate and sat down besides Riley.

"Hey honey." She greeted, hugging her best friend. "Hey Peaches." She smiled. After they finished their breakfast, they got up from the couch.

Topanga walked downstairs. "You girls ready?" She asked. "Yeah." Maya and Riley answered. Maya grabbed her bag from the table. "Bye babe I love you." She kissed him on the cheek. "Have fun baby love you too." He smiled and waved closing the door after them.

Lucas took out his phone and texted in the group chat if his friends wanted to come over. They responded that they would come. He brought out a pack of Coca Cola from the fridge. He ordered two pizzas from Papa John's.

He decided to take a shower and change into a black shirt and gray basketball shorts. There was a knock on the door. He paid the guy the money and set the pizzas down on the coffee table. He turned to the basketball game. It was the Los Angeles Lakers against Golden State Warriors.

There was another knocking on the door. He opened it. It was Josh and Noah holding hands. "Hey guys come on in." Josh and Noah shared a seat. Noah wrapped his arm around Josh's shoulder.

The rest of the gang came shortly after them.

"Hey Zay." They did their signature best friend handshake. He hugged Alex and Charlie. "The game just started!" Zay exclaimed as he sat down on the couch. "Who's playing?" Alex asked opening a coke.

"Can you pass me one Alex?" Noah asked. Alex walked up to him and handed him a coke. "Thanks man."

"The Lakers and the Warriors." Charlie answered, leaving his skateboard on the wall next to Lucas's guest room. They all sat down on the couch grabbing handfuls of chips and piling it on their plates.

The door opened and Topanga walked in. "Hey Mrs. F." The guys greeted with mouthfuls of food. "Hey guys make sure to pick up after yourselves." She said and put the keys on the table. "Yes Mrs. F." They said simultaneously.

Topanga walked upstairs. "How you're holding up?" Zay asked as the commercials played. "I have to wear these splints for another week and then I have to go to physiotherapy."

"Man this sucks our first home game is this Friday and you can't play." Zay sighed in disappointment. "I know but you guys will do good." Lucas stated, taking a sip of his coke. "Hopefully we heard the Jaguars had improved from last year so he's going to work our asses off this week." Josh sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Hey guys I have something to tell you." Zay announced. "What is it?" Lucas asked, muting the tv with the remote. "I'm gonna ask out Smackle to homecoming because I kind of like her and I need some ideas." Zay said, a small smile appearing on his face. "Wow Zay you're actually settling down." Noah asked in surprise.

"Yeah man I like her a lot." Zay admitted. "Well what does she like?" Charlie asked. "I have no idea." Zay ran his hands through his hair.

"I can ask Maya she's close friends with Smackle." Lucas told him taking out his phone. "Yeah that would be great." Zay said relieved. "Where is your girlfriend anyway?" Noah asked. "She's at the mall with Riley doing girl things." Lucas answered.

Huckleberry : Hey babe what does Smackle like? It's for Zay.
Penelope : She likes comic books and science.
Huckleberry : Thanks princess that really helped. Love you.
Penelope : You're welcome babe. I love you too.

"Maya said she liked comic books and she likes science."

"Maybe you can be Batman." Charlie suggested. "Or Thor." Alex said. "I like Deadpool." Noah said. "Maybe you can be Superman. You already have the costume at your house." Lucas admitted accidentally and put his hands over his mouth.

"You weren't supposed to say that!" Zay said but all the guys were laughing their asses off. Josh spat his soda out his nose causing Noah to laugh harder.
Charlie was clutching his stomach and Alex was practically crying at this point.

Lucas couldn't help but laugh because it was sort of funny and Zay couldn't contain his frown and laughed too. The laughter eventually died down.

"Oh my god that was hilarious." Charlie wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm taking Josh to the bathroom." Noah said tugging a soda covered Josh in tow.

"I'll admit it was sort of funny but I'll go with Lucas's idea." Zay said. Josh came down in Noah's jacket.

The guys were all tired after awhile and they said goodbye and left. Lucas sat on the couch and waited until Maya came home.

A/N : I'll update tomorrow also. Let me know what you think!

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