Chapter Forty Two

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Maya woke up to her alarm blaring at 8am. She didn't remember setting her alarm last night. She smiled when she realized that her huckleberry did that for her.

She climbed off the bed and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. She opened her closet door and went through her wardrobe.

She decided to wear a teal sweater with her white pants and brown combat boots. She straightened her hair and put it up in a ponytail.

She applied a few coats of mascara and some lipstick. She grabbed her luggage and walked downstairs. Her mother was preparing a big breakfast before she left. Her dad was also at the table nursing a cup of coffee.

"Good morning sweetie." Katy kissed her daughter's forehead and gave her a plate of pancakes. "Good morning Mom." She gave her dad a hug and he also gave her a kiss on the forehead.

There was a knock on the door. Maya jumped off the stool and ran to the door. Her boyfriend had a small smile on his face.

He was carrying two cups of caramel frappuccinos. "Yes!" Maya took the sugary beverage from his hand and pulled him inside the house.

Lucas greeted Maya's parents and took Maya's bags to put it in his car. "Alright honey have a good time." Katy and Shawn enveloped her in s hug.

"Thanks I love you guys. I'll call you guys when I land." Maya informed. Lucas decided to wait at the porch step for her.

Maya came out and closed the door. She threw herself at him. Lucas laughed, catching her with ease. She pecked his lips.

"Thank you for the drink babe." She smiled. "You're welcome." He smiled and pecked her lips again.

He picked up her bags and stuffed them in the back with his belongings. He closed the trunk and hopped in the driver's seat.

It was decided that Lucas and Maya would travel in Lucas's car while Lucas's family traveled in the family car. Which the couple didn't mind at all.

Maya sipped her drink, turning the channels until it landed on something that she liked.

"Hey I brought some leftover cookies from my grandma's house." Lucas took out a plastic container.

"Yes Mrs. B is pulling through!" Maya snatched the container from his hand making Lucas chuckle.

Maya took a bite of the gingerbread cookie. "This is so good." Maya moaned taking another bite.

"You mind giving me one?" Lucas asked. Maya shoved the cookie in his mouth. He tried to say thank you but it was muffled by the treat.

Maya laughed at her dorky boyfriend. They finished the cookies by the time they got to the airport car parking. "Aw man they're all gone." Maya pouted at the empty container.

"I'm sure my grandma's cooking will make up for the lost." Lucas said. "True nothing can beat Grandma Abby's cherry pie."

They climbed out the car. They pulled out their luggage from the trunk. Lucas intertwined his hand with hers. They spotted Lucas's family at the airport seats.

Maya sat down next to Riley and Lucas sat on the seat next to Maya. "Hey honey." Maya greeted her best friend.

"Hey Peaches." They gave each other a hug. "Look at this." Riley showed her a picture of Farkle with a cast on his leg.

"Farkle and his cousins went skiing and Farkle fell and sprang his foot."

"That's something you would do." Maya said chuckling. "Shut up." Riley punched her lightly with a smile.

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