Chapter Forty Seven

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That's how the adults found the teens when they came back from dinner. Maya was the first to wake up. She yawned rubbing her eyes with her fists.

She tried to move away from Lucas so he wouldn't wake up but Lucas noticed the movement and pulled her closer.

"Lucas get up." Maya hit his chest lightly. Lucas blinked his eyes open and smiled. "Hey," Lucas greeted warmly. "Hey." Maya matched his tone.

She climbed off of him and woke the others up. "Hey you guys should stay here. It's eleven pm. Sarah told Cory and Topanga.

"Okay we'll spend the night over here." Topanga declared. The teens had cheered.

Lucas and Maya followed Trevor and Charlotte upstairs. "Hey can I borrow some pajamas?" Maya questioned.

"Sure." Charlotte opened her drawer. She gave Maya a white tank top with fuzzy blue pajama pants.

"Thank you." Maya stated. She changed in the bathroom. She said goodnight to Charlotte and Riley and walked to the guest bedroom.

Lucas was already in the bed waiting for her. He was in a black tank top with blue and gray pajama pants.

"Hey baby." He greeted warmly. "Hey babe." He pulled her small frame against his chest. Maya laid her head on his chest and her hand against his torso.

Lucas threw his arm around her shoulders and placed his large hand over hers and intertwined their fingers.

He pressed his lips against her forehead. "Sweet dreams princess. I love you."

"I love you too." She fell asleep hearing his heartbeat.

Maya and Lucas woke up to two people jumping on the bed rousing them up from their sleep.

It was Ian and Allison. "Wake up mommy made breakfast." Allison and Ian said in unison.

Lucas groaned and rubbed his eyes. "We'll be down there in a minute." He said. Allison and Ian ran out the room.

"I'm sorry about that. They're very hyper in the mornings." Lucas apologized.

"It's okay huckleberry. We would have eventually gotten up anyways." She gave him and assuring smile and a kiss.

"You say that now but when Christmas comes around they'll wake you up earlier than this." Lucas warned. He pecked her lips again before climbing off the bed.

Lucas and Maya made their plates and sat down with the rest of the family. After they ate their breakfast, they went back to their room to change into yesterday's clothes.

They were currently saying goodbye to Lucas's family before they left. Lucas hugged Trevor and Charlotte goodbye.

Maya was carrying Mason who was babbling and playing with Maya's hair. "Bye Mason. I loved getting to know you." She smiled. She tickled his tummy making Mason giggle.

She handed Mason to Riley who wanted to play with him too. "Maya!" Ian and Allison ran over to her. "Hey Ian and Alison." She crouched down. They both gave her hugs.

"Will you be back at Christmas?" Alison asked. "Of course." She answered with a smile. "Yay!" Ian and Allison cheered making Maya laugh.

Maya said goodbye to Trevor and Charlotte before walking back over to Lucas. They piled back in the minivan and pulled out of the parking lot.

They made it back to the house in an hour. They walked back to the guest bedroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Maya informed her boyfriend. "Mind if I join?" Lucas asked with a coy smirk.

"Not at all." She bit her bottom lip seductively. She took off her bra and panties leaving her completely naked in front of him.

She turned around and swayed her hips as she walked in the bathroom.

Lucas's eyes darkened in lust and desire. He quickly took off his clothes and walked in the bathroom after her.

Lucas pushed her roughly back against the shower wall. The warm water spraying down on them. He smashed their lips together. Lucas brought her arms up with one hand while the other groped her ass.

Lucas turned his head to deepen the intensifying kiss. He licked her bottom lip for entrance. She opened her mouth to give him access.

His tongue tangled against hers in a passionate dance. He pulled away and laid warm kisses along her jawline and down her pale neck.

He reached her collarbone and sucked and nipped at it creating a purple mark. Maya rolled her eyes back and clutched his hair tightly.

Lucas kissed all over her creamy breasts avoiding her hard pink nipples. He finally placed his mouth over one and sucked on it harshly. Maya bit on his shoulder to avoid moaning out loud in pleasure since his family was still in the house.

He attached his mouth to her other nipple before kissing his way down her flat stomach.

He sat her down on the edge of the bathtub. His large hands rubbed up her thighs and and grabbed her ass.

His darkened green eyes met her ocean blue ones before licking a stripe of her dripping wet center making Maya throw her head back and whimper.

Lucas stroked her core languidly with his tongue. He swirled his tongue around her pink folds. He clamped his mouth around her clit and sucked on it making Maya cum in his mouth.

He pushed her against the shower wall and inserted his eight inch member inside of her making them both moan in pleasure.

Lucas continually thrusted against her. Maya felt heat building up in her stomach once again. After one hard thrust, Maya fell apart. A few moments later, Lucas released heavily inside her.

Maya threw on a blue tank top with gray pajama shorts. Lucas threw on black pajama pants. They climbed on the bed.

Lucas pulled her against him. Maya placed her head on his shoulder and her arm around his torso.

Lucas kissed her forehead softly. "I love you." Maya smiled. "I love you too huckleberry." They both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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