Chapter eleven

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"Are you jealous Maya I have to kiss Lucas in drama class." Missy's snobby voice said in the locker room.

"Nope I trust Lucas completely." Maya said as she tightened her ponytail in the mirror. "We'll see about that." Missy whispered as she walked out the locker room.

"What are you going to do?" One of Missy's followers Abigail said. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was super pretty but was dumb as a box of bricks. "I'm going to drug Lucas and pretend he has sex with me and Maya will catch me in the act."

"That sounds evil. I like it." Her other follower Avery said. She had black hair and green eyes and she was just as vicious as Missy since they were friends since kindergarten.

"Isn't it fabulous. They'll break up and Lucas will be all mine." Missy said as she spotted Lucas waving at his girlfriend as he ran laps around the track.

The week passed by really quick and the couple hadn't seen each other as much as they would like since after practice he had to rehearse with Missy. He asked the teacher if they can do it on Friday to get extra credit and Mrs. Green allowed them to.

"I love you Juliet. Nothing will ever stop me from loving you." Lucas acted out as he took her hand. "I'm sorry Romeo but we can't be together our families hate each other." Missy said as she turned away. "I don't care what they say. Do you feel that?" He asked as he put her hand on his chest. "That's me heart beating for you. That's how much I love you." Lucas said as he leaned in but didn't get any closer.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Lucas stated as he walked in and closed the door. Missy slipped a white pill that dissolved in the water he was drinking. His password on his phone wasn't that hard to hack since it was Maya's birthday.

Lucas came back out. "I think we're ready." Lucas said as he drunk some water from his cup. Lucas drunk nearly half of it. Lucas started to feel funny and his limbs couldn't move as he fell back on the bed.

"What...are you...doing?" Lucas tried to say but all he saw was blinding lights around his eyes. "Getting Maya over here so she could be heartbroken and you know the rest." Missy said nonchalantly as she texted Maya to come over his house.

"Stop...You....don't have to do this." Lucas struggled to get out his words. "I'm sorry Lukey but that bitch needs to pay." Missy said as she took off her shirt and her skirt. She was left in her undergarments as she unbuttoned his white shirt and took off his pants.

Riley had to do a project at Farkle's so no one was home to stop her. Missy placed hickeys all over Lucas's neck and placed his hands on her ass. Missy heard the door open and she heard her voice call out. "Lucas babe I'm here. What do you need me for?" Maya's voice echoed as she walked upstairs.

He tried to yell but his mouth wasn't working at all. Missy started to moan and yelled out. "Harder Lucas Harder!" Maya opened the door to see her boyfriend having sex with Missy.

"What the fuck?" Maya yelled out loud. "It's not what it looks like." Missy replied with an innocent expression. Maya's eyes teared up. "I hate you. I can't believe I ever loved you!" Maya looked at Lucas with betrayal and hate as she ran downstairs and slammed the door.

A tear fell from Lucas's cheek as he saw his girlfriend leave and he couldn't do anything about it. "Don't cry baby. You two just weren't meant to be." Missy remarked as she wiped his tear away.

Lucas wanted to smack her hand away and told Maya he loved her more than anything in the world. "Let's make you forget all about this." Missy's voice started to become choppy as all Lucas saw was darkness.

A/N : Thank you guys so much for 1k! I thought no one was going to read it! It means the world to me! ❤️❤️❤️

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