Chapter thirty

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Music was blasting out of the house. People were in bikinis and swimwear. Lucas parked the car in the driveway. Lucas snaked his muscular arm around her waist as they walked in the house. Guys from the football team greeted him as they walked inside. Maya spotted some of the cheerleaders drinking beer and some of them sitting on the couch. She greeted them too. Guys were staring at her which made her uncomfortable but Lucas squeezed her waist softly which made Maya feel better.

Some guys were playing beer pong in the living room. Others were playing foosball and other games in the game room upstairs.

Josh walked up to them. "Hey guys glad you can make it." He hugged them both.

"The beers are in the red cooler and the sodas are in the blue cooler in the kitchen help yourselves to whatever you like." Josh told them.

Lucas walked into the kitchen. He grabbed two beer cans from the cooler. He opened one and handed it to her. "Thanks babe." She smiled and took a sip. They walked outside.

Zay was talking with Smackle on the edge of the pool. Josh and Noah were making out in the chair. Alex and Charlie were drinking beers and talking to each other. "Hey guys." Lucas greeted his friends. "Hey Lucas and Maya." The group greeted the couple.

Lucas set their stuff down on one of the the tables. "Hey Maya." Smackle greeted and hugged her. "Hey Smackle you look amazing." Maya complimented, letting go of their embrace. Smackle was in a red and white polka dot bikini. Her black hair cascaded down her shoulders. "You look good too." Smackle winked.

"What time did you get here?" Maya asked as they sat down on a pair of pool chairs. "An hour ago." Smackle replied. "Have you bought your homecoming dress yet?" Smackle asked.

"No but I'm going to go to the mall on Tuesday with Riley do you wanna come?" Maya asked. "Yeah it would be cool to get to know her better." Smackle told her. "She's really nice you'll love her." Maya told her.

Lucas went to the diving board. He did a front flip and launched in the pool. Everyone cheered. Lucas moved his wet hair away from his eyes. He swam over to where Smackle and Maya were sitting.

Maya was not paying attention so he quietly came up behind her. Smackle talked to her pretending she didn't see him. Maya felt two hands grip her waist and then she was thrown in the water.

Maya glared and crossed her arms when she heard Lucas laugh. Lucas jumped in after her in the pool. "C'mon babe I'm just kidding." He swam over and uncrossed her arms. He kissed her on the lips and Maya melted into the kiss. Lucas placed his hands over her ass as the kiss got more heated.

They let go to catch for breath. Lucas set his forehead against hers and they had small smiles on their faces. "Am I forgiven?" Lucas asked moving a wet strand away from her face. "Yeah." Maya replied.

The gang decided to play chicken and Marco Polo. After a while, they got out the pool. Lucas and Maya walked upstairs to change. Maya wore blue jean shorts, a pink over the shoulder  shirt and flip flops. Lucas wore a white button up shirt with beige shorts with white converse.

Lucas followed his girlfriend downstairs as they entered the living room. They were setting up a new round of beer pong.

"Who wants to play against us." Alex declared, grabbing Charlie's shoulder. "We'll play." Maya said dragging Lucas to the other side of the table. The rest of the people cheered.

"Okay we'll start." Alex threw the ball on the table and it went in the first cup. Lucas picked the ball out and swallowed the beer. He handed the ball to Maya. Maya aimed it and it bounced on two rims before it landed in the center. "Nice shot babe." He high-fived her. Alex drank the cup.

Charlie aimed the ball at the third row and it sloshed in. Maya drunk it and passed it to Lucas. They kept on shooting the balls in the cups. Maya and Lucas had one cup on their side. Alex and Charlie also had a cup on their side. Maya aimed it and it went in. Charlie drank the cup. Alex tried to aim but he missed and it bounced off the table. "Yes." Maya cheered. Lucas picked her up and kissed her on the lips. "Hey guys wanna go to the game room?" Josh asked. The group agreed. Lucas put his arm over Maya's shoulders as the group walked upstairs.

The room was air conditioned. There was a plasma screen tv on the left side of the room. A black leathered  l-shaped couch was in front of it. A  brown three-seat couch was on the other side. A fridge was in the right corner of the room.

A foosball table was on the left side of the room. The bathroom door a couple feet away from it. Lucas set Maya gently down the couch. "I'm gonna get us some waters." He informed, getting up and opened the fridge.

He handed Maya and himself one sitting next to her. "We should play just dance!" Noah said looking at the selection of video games. Everyone seem to agree. "Who wants to play me?" Noah said. "I will I'll have you know I'm the best dancer in this room." Zay said smugly.

"I sense a little competition here. You're on Babineaux." Noah playfully glared. They played cheap thrills by Sia. It was a close battle but Zay won. They played a few more rounds. It was 9:00 pm and Maya was yawning on Lucas's shoulder. "You ready to go baby?" He whispered softly, kissing her head. Maya nodded her head as an answer.

Lucas got up. "Hey guys I'm gonna head out." He informed the group. They said bye to them both as they walked downstairs.

They pulled up to Lucas's house. "Hey baby we're here." He rubbed her thigh. "Carry me?" She said in a cute voice. "Sure," He chuckled and opened her door. He carried his girlfriend in his arms as he walked upstairs. Maya took off her shirt and shorts and decided to wear a onesie. Lucas wore his black black sweats.

He pulled her in to his chest hearing her cute faint light snores.

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