Chapter Eight

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"Wow I didn't know my girlfriend was such a badass." Lucas stated. "Yeah I put that bitch in her place. I honestly don't get her problem with me." Maya replied as she took out her ponytail and let it cascade down her shoulders.

"I think she's jealous because I like you more than I ever liked her." Lucas told her. "I can't believe you dated her for a brief time." She  ran her hands through her blonde hair. "I know but I'm glad I found someone better." He kissed her hand making Maya blush like a tomato. Lucas laughed as he parked the Chevrolet in the parking space right by the pizza place.

They sat down at a red booth. The waiter passed them their menus. Lucas sat across from Maya and Farkle sat across from Riley. "Would you guys like something to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a coke." Lucas closed his menu. "I'll also have a coke." Maya requested. "I'll have a sprite please." Riley said. "I'll have a Pepsi." Farkle said. "Coming right up." She walked in the kitchen.

The waiter passed out the breadstick basket and Maya immediately grabbed two. "You really like those babe." Lucas laughed. "They're the best part of any dish." Maya said as she ate some.

They ordered a large pepperoni pizza for their table. "How does it feel to be captain?" Lucas asked as he ate a slice. "Honestly it's a lot of weight on my shoulders but it's also fun." Maya told him.

"Can you guys believe homecoming is a month away?" Riley said excitedly. "I didn't know that." Maya responded. "I'm part of the homecoming committee. I signed Farkle up with me."

"Unfortunately." Farkle said. Riley glared at him. "I mean I'm looking forward to it." Farkle tried to recover himself. Lucas and Maya laughed. "Your ask better be good Huckleberry." Maya demanded pointed her finger at him.

"I promise baby I'll make it worth your while." They finished their pizza and Lucas dropped Riley and Farkle off. Now he was currently driving Maya home.

"Can you please tell me where we're going on our date." Maya begged for the umpteenth time. "Sorry princess can't do that." He smirked. Maya gave him her puppy eyes. "Nope not falling for that." Lucas shook his head.

"I'll eventually break you." Maya said. "I'd like to see you try." He grinned as he pulled up Maya's driveway. "Are your parent's home?" Lucas asked as they walked up to her door. "Nope they won't be back until tomorrow." Maya smirked as she leaned back on her door.

"I wonder what we should do then." Lucas smirked as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I got a few ideas." Maya tugged on his shirt collar and enclosed her mouth on his. Lucas smiled into the kiss and squeezed her ass making Maya jump on his waist while Lucas grabbed her legs.

He opened the door with the keys and they fumbled on the couch. Lucas's tongue danced with hers and Maya tangled her fingers in his hair. They had a heated make out session for a few more minutes.

"I gotta take a shower. I feel so gross." Maya said as they were now in her bedroom. "Can I come with?" Lucas asked. "Nope." Maya said as she closed the door.

Lucas chuckled and turned channels on the television laying in Maya's bed. Maya came out of the bathroom in a white henley with black and white pajama shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun and her face was make-up free.

She looked so beautiful. He was so lucky to have this beautiful girl be his girlfriend. Maya noticed his lingering gaze. "Why are you staring at me?" Maya put a blonde strand of hair that fell in front of her face behind her ear. "God Maya you're so beautiful." Lucas declared. "Thanks Lucas." She blushed.

Maya climbed on the bed and laid her head on the space between his neck and shoulder. Lucas wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the forehead stroking her back in small circles.

A/N : Happy New Years Everyone! Thank you so much for reading! It means the world to me! ❤️❤️❤️

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