Chapter Forty Three

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His alarm rung at 5:00 am. Lucas had to help pappy Joe with the farm. He immediately turned it off trying not to wake Maya up.

Luckily she didn't stir awake. He crawled out the bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

He threw on a white tank top with blue jeans and his black combat boots. He walked downstairs.

"Good morning." He greeted his grandmother with a kiss on the cheek. He greeted his grandfather too grabbing a blueberry muffin from the tray.

He walked outside with Pappy Joe to do his tasks around the farm. Lucas entered the house exhausted and sweaty.

His grandmother was making a huge breakfast in the kitchen. His mom and Dad were at the table eating. His sister walked downstairs. Her hair was all over the place.

He laughed at her. "Shut up smelly pits." She retorted. Lucas glared and Riley laughed. "I'll show you smelly pits." He walked towards her.

"Hell no." She evaded him and ran away. "You better run." He warned making his way upstairs.

He took a much needed shower. He changed into a striped shirt and jeans.

Lucas climbed on the bed. He left a trail of warm kisses on her neck. He left a hickey on her collarbone. Maya's eyes fluttered open and she moaned arching her back.

Lucas placed her hips down and was about to travel to her breast when there was a knock on his door.

"Lucas?" His Grandma called out. "Yeah?" Lucas asked. Maya decided to attack his neck with kisses. "Breakfast is ready can you wake Maya up?"

"S-sure." His voice cracked when she left a love bite. She heard his grandma's footsteps walk away.

"I'm so getting you for that." He playfully glared. "You're the one who started it." She pecked his nose and hopped out of the bed.

He lightly smacked her ass making Maya squeak as they walked downstairs.

"Hey babe after you finish you wanna ride some horses?" He asked. "Yeah that sounds fun." Maya responded.

Lucas decided to make some food and placed it in a basket. He also grabbed a picnic blanket from the hallway cabinet.

Lucas waited on the bed while Maya got dressed. Maya decided to wear a red flannel with blue jean shorts and brown combat boots.

"Wow you look like a real cowgirl now." He stated. "You wanna teach me how to ride now?" Maya innocently asked.

Lucas felt a tent in his pants. "Dammit baby I'll be right back." Lucas covered his lower region and ran to the bathroom.

Maya chuckled and sat down. After a few minutes Lucas came out. "Alright lets go."

They walked out the house and towards the stables in the barn. "Pick out one." Lucas stated. Maya decided to get a faux colored horse with a white spot on it's head.

"I want this one." Maya petted the horse's mane. "This horse is named Bella." He informed her.

He walked over to her and handed Maya a couple of sugar cubes. "She loves these. Feed her some."

Maya held up her hand. The horse ate the sugar cubes. Maya smiled and petted the horse afterwards.

Lucas took Stella out the stable and placed the saddle on her. "Alright babe just put your foot right there and heave yourself up." Lucas informed her.

"Okay seems simple enough." Maya put her foot on the saddle step and tried to get up on the horse but she couldn't get on it.

After her many failed attempts, Lucas walked over. "Alright babe, I'm gonna pick you up now." He put both of his hands on either side of her waist.

He lifted her up and placed her down in the horse. He climbed in after her. He placed his large hands over Maya's small hands on the reigns.

The horse started to do a slow gallop. Maya's hair was blowing in the wind. She was giggling with a big smile on her face.

Lucas smiled at his adorable girlfriend having fun. He can't imagine a life without her and he never ever wanted to.

He showed her around the beautiful ranch. Lucas decided to show her a place that only he and his family know about.

It was a small lake. The lake was glistening as the sun hit it. Surrounded by it were tall trees and rocks.

"Wow this is beautiful." Maya was awestruck.

"I know someone even more beautiful." Lucas looked at Maya. Maya's cheeks turned scarlet red. "Stop being so cheesy."

"I can't help it. You're too cute when you blush." He pulled her in and kissed her forehead.

Lucas laid down the blanket and took out the food. After they ate, they had a heated make out session.

Lucas's hands traveled from her back to her ass. Lucas's tongue battled Maya's in a battle for dominance. Lucas won and he invaded her mouth with his tongue.

Lucas kissed down her neck. He unbuttoned Maya's shirt and placed it beside them. Maya pulled up Lucas's shirt until it was off.

Lucas's toned body was glistening with a sheen of sweat. His green eyes were darkened with lust. He unlatched her bra and kissed around her breast.

Maya whimpered and grasped his hair tightly. He sucked on her nipple and played with the other. He did the same actions with the other and licked around her navel.

Lucas unzipped his jeans while Maya tugged down her shorts. Lucas kissed up her bare legs. He kissed her inner thighs before pulling her wet panties off.

Her center was dripping wet for him. Lucas licked up a stripe of her heat. Maya moaned and grasped the blanket below her.

He continuously lapped her folds. Maya felt heat crawling to her stomach. His tongue swirled every inch of her center. He clamped his mouth around her clit and Maya fell apart as she released, letting out a prolonged moan.

Lucas felt his member straining against his boxers. He fingered her until all three were inside her.

He pulled them out when she was open enough for him. "Hey can I ride you this time?" Maya asked.

"Sure." Lucas laid down on the blanket. Maya was rarely dominant and Lucas honestly loved it when she was.

She lined herself up with his member and lowered herself until every inch was inside of her.

They both moaned at the incredible feeling of him inside her. Maya placed her hands on his broad chest and started to bounce on his cock.

Maya started to thrust against him faster trying to make them reach their climaxes together.

Lucas met her thrust to thrust. Maya's hips stopped when she met her climax. She let out the most beautiful sound he ever heard.

A few seconds later, Lucas released letting out a string of curses. Maya collapsed on his chest trying to catch her breath.

Lucas stroked her damp hair kissing her sweaty forehead. They stayed like that in each other's embrace for a few minutes.

"Let's go to the lake to cool off." Lucas suggested, rising up from the blanket. He held his hand out. Maya grabbed it and they walked in the lake.

Lucas wrapped his arms around her slim waist. Maya threw her arms around his neck playing with the hair on the nape of his neck.

"That was incredible." Lucas stated. "It was for me too." Maya informed him.

"I love you." Maya stated. "I love you too." He leaned down and planted his lips on hers.

"We should probably go back now." Lucas suggested. "Yeah let's go." Maya said. They got out of the lake and threw on their clothes.

They returned back to the house where his mother was cooking spaghetti and garlic bread.

They ate dinner before vacating back into the room to sleep.

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