Chapter seven

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The lunch bell rang as Maya dragged Riley to the girl's locker rooms. "Wait Maya slow down. I'm not as fit as you are." Riley said as she tried to take a breath. "I'm sorry Riles but the anticipation is killing me." Maya said as she slowed down to Riley's pace.

"I have no doubt you made it Peaches." Riley assured her stressed out friend. "You're right I just need to relax." Maya said as she took a deep breath.

They seen a bunch of girls crowded around the small white paper that would either make you or break you. Some girls were leaving with disappointed faces while other girls  were talking excitedly to each other.

Maya made her way to the front. She seen her student ID number. "Yes Riles I made it in." Maya jumped up and down excitedly. "Yay!" Riley cheered too. How about after cheerleading practice we go to Joe's Pizza to celebrate." Riley suggested.

"Sure thing let me let Huckleberry know." Maya called him and told him the news. "Congratulations babe I'm proud of you." Maya smiled. "Thanks Luke. We're going to Joe's after practice." Maya replied. "Okay I'll be there." Lucas responded.

Maya slipped her phone in her pocket as they walked to the cafeteria. Maya walked towards the girl's locker room to put on her cheerleading outfit. "You need to stay away from Lucas you bitch!" She heard an annoying squeaky voice.

She turned around and seen Missy Bradford in front of her face with her entourage. "Listen here Bitchford Lucas is my boyfriend and you can't tell me what to do."

"Yes I can Lucas is mine." Missy growled. "I'm sorry the last time I checked Lucas isn't a prize to win. Get it through your thick skull that he doesn't like you. Matter of fact I don't think anybody likes you."

Missy scoffed and Maya walked away from the locker room. "Wow I never seen anyone stand up to Missy Bradford before." A girl said.

The girl had black hair and brown eyes. "Well she needs to get knocked down a peg or two." Maya spat as she put her blonde hair in a ponytail. "I'm Isadora but people call me Smackle." She smiled. "I'm Maya." She smiles kindly. They walk in the huddle with the rest of the girls.

"Okay team I'm gonna tell you're positions!" Mrs. Martinez yelled. She went through the list of names. "Flyer Maya Hunter." She heard her name.
"Can I have Missy Bradford and Maya Hunter come up please?"

Maya walked up and a pissed off Missy Bradford came up but replaced it with a fake smile. "I'm sorry Mrs. Bradford but I decided to let Mrs. Hunter become cheer captain."

"What?" Missy and Maya said simultaneously. "Maya has shown remarkable ability and has leadership tendencies." Mrs. Martinez patted Maya's shoulder.

"But she's only a freshman!" Missy claimed. "Only seniors and juniors get to be captain." Missy persisted. "Well I'm making an exception for that rule. Hunter would you like to take it?"

"Ummm.." she looks at her friend that's nodding eagerly. "Okay." Maya answers. "Excellent Mrs. Hunter." Mrs. Martinez smiled. "I'm supposed to be captain! I waited three years for this!" Missy yelled and stomped her feet.

"Well too bad Bradford now stop making a fit and sit down!" Mrs. Martinez yelled. Missy sat down and crossed her arms. Her followers try to comfort her but she pushes them away.

"You go babe!" She hears her boyfriend yell out as they are now finished with their laps. Maya laughed and blew him an air kiss. Lucas caught it and put it on his chest of his football jersey.

The other guys laugh at him and jibe at him as they walk to the workout rooms. Cheerleading practice went great and they ended at 4:00. Football practice went from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. The cheerleading team was having the gym back next week so football practice can get out at 5:00 pm.

"This is my friend Riley. Riley meet Smackle. Smackle meet Riley." Maya said and they shook hands. "This is my best friend and her boyfriend Farkle. Farkle meet Smackle and you get it." Maya said and they laughed.

"Nice to meet you guys but my mom's here to pick me up. See you later." She picked up her gym bag and waved as she exited the gates. "She's really nice." Riley commented. Maya was about to respond but she felt two strong arms wrap around her.

"Congratulations baby." He said as he kissed her neck making Maya laugh. She turned around and leaned up to meet his soft lips. "Thanks Lucas." She picked up her gym bag as she grabbed his hand with the other as the four of them walked out of the school.

A/N : I hate Missy with a damn passion so I had to make her annoying as hell. Thanks for reading!

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