Chapter twenty six

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It was 12:50 pm when Maya and Riley walked out of their art class. Lucas and Farkle would meet them in front of the school entrance since their classrooms were right by it.

Maya saw her boyfriend talking to Farkle so Maya sneaked up behind him and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who?" Maya tried to lower her voice. "Is it my beautiful girlfriend that is doing a horrible guy voice?" He asked. "Yes." Maya giggled. He took her hands off his eyes and turned around. He placed her hands on his shoulders and kissed her.

"Hello Penelope." A grin broke out across his face. "Hello Huckleberry." She smiled as he caressed her cheek. They were full on making out until they heard a clearing of someone's throat. They broke apart breathing heavily. It was Topanga. "It would help if you guys helped carry these baskets full of cookies." She gestured with the baskets in her hands.

"Sorry Mrs. Friar." She smiled sheepishly and pulled a blushing Lucas out the door with her. They loaded the baskets on the table. Riley stuck the handmade sign in front of the table. Katy and Topanga said goodbye and left. "We have two minutes until the bell rings." Riley said sitting down next to Farkle at the lunch table. Lucas and Maya were talking to each other completely in their own world.

The bell rang and students piled in the doors. "Free cookies!" Riley yelled. The students all walked towards their table. Maya and Lucas passed them out to the hungry high schoolers. "Vote for us." Maya said giving the last cookie bag away.

"We did it!" Riley beamed. Maya was resting her head on the table tiredly while Lucas rubbed her back comfortingly. Maya mumbled what sounded like a yay. The bell rang and lunch was over. Maya groaned and got up. Lucas carried her school backpack  so it could lessen Maya's weight. They said goodbye to Riley and Farkle.

"I'm so tired." Maya whined. "I'm sorry baby. Before you know it practice will be over." He caressed her cheek. "Okay," Maya said. He lifted up her chin and kissed her. "Better?" He asked. "Yeah." She smiled and walked to the gym.

When they got home, Maya changed into pajamas and knocked out on his bed. Lucas smiled as he started on his homework for Algebra 2. He decided to order Chinese knowing Maya would want some food when she woke up.

Maya woke up at 6:00 pm. She saw her huckleberry doing homework on his desk table. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. "Did you have a good sleep?" Lucas asked. "Yeah I feel refreshed." She smiled beautifully. "There's Chinese food in the fridge if you want some." He stated. "Yay!" She ran out the room so fast making Lucas chuckle at his girlfriend.

Lucas finished his homework and laid down on the bed. Maya came back and sat on his lap eating the food. After she finished they cuddled on the bed.

It was Wednesday and Josh was nervous. He had on a red button down, blue jeans and vans. He was going to ask out Noah to homecoming. They were a couple since 9th grade and they took turns proposing every year. It was now Josh's turn.

He had a bouquet of flowers and a teddy bear. Noah was finishing a test in Mr. Win's class and Josh told him to meet up at the cafeteria. Lucas was filming on Josh's phone. Maya like everyone else was anticipating for Noah to come through those doors.

The doors opened and Noah gasped. Noah read the sign and laughed. It said : "I would be over the rainbow if you would go to homecoming with me." Josh stretched his face in a grin. Noah ran up to Josh and kissed him. Everyone cheered and clapped. Josh handed his boyfriend his bear and flowers.

"I love you so much." Noah remarked. "I love you too." Josh kissed him on the cheek. "Lucas can you take a picture of us?" Josh asked. "No problem." He said standing in front of them. Josh wrapped his arms around Noah's waist and Noah kissed his cheek.

The rest of the week was more cute homecoming proposals. In addition, Lucas was starting to hang out with the guys more which was fine with Maya. Maya was in Riley's room. She was talking about Farkle's homecoming proposal that he did at school today. Maya was starting to feel like Lucas was never going to ask her and she expressed those thoughts to Riley.

"Of course my brother is going to ask you. He wouldn't be that stupid." Riley remarked, consoling Maya. "I know but seeing all those other couples makes me feel jealous." Maya admitted. "I'm sorry Peaches, I'll talk to him tonight if you want." Riley told her.

"No it's fine maybe he will ask me." Maya said. Her phone buzzed. She took it out of her pocket. "My mom's here." Maya packed her homework and notebooks in her backpack. "I'll come down with you." Riley followed Maya downstairs. At that exact moment, Lucas stepped into the house.

"Hey babe." He greeted. "Hey huckleberry." She attempted at a smile. He immediately knew what was wrong but he would assure all her doubts tomorrow. Lucas kissed her on the lips. "I love you." He smiled. "I love you too. See you later." She walked out and got into her mom's car.

Riley glared at him. "What's your problem?" He asked. "You need to ask out Maya already. She's starting to feel you will never ask her." Riley crosses her arms.

"I got it covered Riley. That's why I've been hanging out with the guys." Lucas said. "Oh can you tell me?" Riley asked. Lucas scoffed at his sister, "No you will tell her." "No I won't come on." Riley pleaded. Lucas rolled his eyes. "Fine." He told her the plan. "Aww that's so cute." Riley clapped her hands. "I know I went to Party City to get this stuff. Mom's getting the rest of the stuff at the store."

"Oh my gosh Maya is going to make fun of you for the rest of the school year." Riley laughed. "I know." He laughed and walked into his room.

A/N : I wonder what Lucas is going to be ? Leave comments down below!

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