Chapter thirty one

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He kissed her on the cheek. "Time to get up Penelope." He said stroking her hair softly. Maya yawns and stretches. "Good morning Huckleberry." She smiled and he leans in and kiss her soft lips. He pushes her back on the bed and plants light warm kisses down her neck. Maya grips his shoulder with one hand while the other tangled her hand through his messy bed hair.

"What a good way to start a morning." She remarked, gazing at his sea foam orbs. "I'm glad I get to wake up to you by my side." A grin spread across his face. "You're such a sap." She replied.

They eat breakfast and go back upstairs to get dressed. Lucas intertwined Maya's hand with his as they walked out the door. "Hey Riles, Smackle is going to come with us to the mall to get dresses with us is that okay?"  Maya asked as they walked. "Sure that's no problem." Riley responded. "Mind if I come too?" Lucas smirked. Maya punched his shoulder lightly causing Lucas to chuckle.

They walked up the school steps. "See you later babe." He hugged her walking towards his friends.

"How's homecoming committee coming along?" Maya asked, opening her locker. "It's good we have all the votes for Princess and Prince." Riley told her. "Are you serious?" Maya took out her book closing the locker door shut.

"Yep you'll know this Friday when we announce the homecoming court." Riley said. "I hope this Friday goes fast." Maya responded as they walked into first period.

The fifth period bell rang as Maya packed up her art supplies. She was nearly done with her painting. She wanted to give this to her boyfriend on Christmas. It was a painting of the two of them kissing under the stars. "Wow Peaches, that's so beautiful." Riley commented, washing out her paintbrushes in the sink.

"Thanks Riles, I just hope he likes it." Maya told her. "He'll love it." Riley assured her with a smile. Maya set the painting down in the back room. She washed her hands and her brushes. Maya grabs her backpack and walks with Riley out the door.

"Bye Honey." Maya said embracing her. "Bye Peaches see you after practice." Riley told her walking down the hallway.

"How was art class?" Lucas asked while they walked to the cafeteria. "It was good I'm nearly finished with my painting." Maya replied. "Did you know that the vote for princess and prince are already casted in?" Maya added.

"Wow that was quick." Lucas remarked, as they sat at the lunch table.

"Hey guys I was thinking if you want to have a double date with us tomorrow." Zay told them sitting down with Smackle in tow. "Sure what will we be doing?" Lucas questioned taking a bite of his sandwich. "I was thinking we can go skating at the skating rink." Zay replied, taking out his lunch.

"Okay." Lucas hesitantly said. Maya sensing the hesitance in his tone turned her head to him. "Are you okay?" Maya whispered placing her hand over his. "I'll tell you at sixth." Lucas answered back.

As if on cue, the lunch bell rang. "What's the problem babe?" Maya asked while they walked to the gym. "I can't skate." Lucas stammered out really fast. "What huckleberry slow down." Maya said holding her hand up. "I can't skate." Lucas said embarrassingly with his cheeks flushed.

"Huckleberry it's okay I'll teach you." Maya said caressing his cheek. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about." She leaned up and kissed him on the lips. "Okay I just don't want to make a fool of myself." He confessed holding her  waist with his hands. "Well its kind of the point right?" Maya told him. "Yeah." He replied, a small smile appearing on his face.

After practice was over they walked home. Riley and Maya  were getting ready in Riley's room so they could get dressed to go the mall.

Smackle would meet up with them at the front of the mall. Riley wore a black dress with flowers on it. Maya wore a white sweater with a blue jean skirt. They walked downstairs. Cory was grading some papers at the table as he would be dropping them off and picking them up.

Lucas was doing his homework on the table. "We're ready Dad." Riley said as she grabbed her small shoulder strap purse.

"Okay sweetie." He grabbed the keys from the table. "Bye huckleberry." She kissed his cheek. "Bye babe see you when you get home." He waved closing the door after them.

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