Chapter Fourteen

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Topanga and Cory both came out with Riley as they all hugged and cried. Farkle had to leave early to finish an essay. Maya walked in and the sight she saw made her heart break.

Her boyfriend looked unrecognizable with wires all over him. He had a monitor for him to just breath. His leg was in a cast and was elevated. His left wrist was in a cast.

Maya sat down on the chair beside him. Maya held his hand. It was weird how cold it was since it was usually warm when she intertwined his with hers. "Luke I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. You didn't even know what happened that night. I'm sorry for blaming you. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I love you so much. You are the best thing that ever happened to me." Maya cried as she moved the dark blonde locks that she loved to run through away from his eyes.

She kissed his hand and caressed it softly. "Visiting hours are over." The nurse said. Maya squeezed his hand one more time and walked out. Maya texted her parents and told them she was staying at the Friar's tonight after what happened. They said it was fine.

"Topanga I have something to tell you." Maya said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "That you're dating our son?" Topanga asked as she passed a plate of spaghetti towards her pseudo-daughter.

"Wait what?" Maya asked in disbelief. "C'mon Maya we have eyes. I knew you guys were going to get together sooner or later." Topanga said as she passed plates to her husband and daughter.

Maya blushed not expecting that response. "I approve if that's what you're wondering. You're a good influence to our son." Topanga says sincerely. "I agree." Cory said and smiled at her.

"Thanks guys but I seriously have something to tell you." Maya said in her serious tone. Topanga sat down in front of her. "What's wrong?" Topanga asked in concern.

"Lucas been drugged two weeks ago by Missy Bradford." Maya said. "What?" All three of the Friar's said simultaneously. "I got a text from Lucas two weeks ago telling me to come over. I walked in on them you know what with each other and I broke up with him. Lucas didn't respond to me when I yelled at him. I thought it was because he had nothing to say but it was almost like he couldn't say or do anything."

"Oh my gosh the next morning when I went to talk to him it was as if he didn't remember why he was there and I thought he was hungover." Riley realized. "She is not getting away with drugging my son if I don't have anything to say about it!" Topanga announced with a fierce determination in her eyes as she called her firm.

The police had arrested Missy and a guy she didn't know and they were charged with drugging a minor and rape. They were sent to juvenile court for one year and then they would spend a long time in prison since they weren't eighteen yet.

Maya has been visiting Lucas ever since the accident. She always brought her homework and did it there. She didn't leave his side only if to get cafeteria food or go the bathroom. She would talk to him about how her day was and funny stories that happened in school.

The football team and the cheerleading team all brought him gifts and balloons and flowers. Shawn and Katy were worried about her since she slept in the hospital most of the time. The Friar's were worried as well but she did her work and still went to school and got excellent grades since she stayed by Lucas's side. Riley came in and seen Maya talking to Lucas as she stroked his hand.

"Hey Peaches." Riley said softly as she sat down beside her best friend. "Hey Riles." She hugged her friend. "How would you like to go with me for awhile." Riley said gently as she clasped her hand in hers.

"No I can't leave him." Maya persisted as she looked at Lucas like he was going to disappear from the bed. "Maya he isn't going anywhere. He'll stay right where he is. You need a good sleep okay?" Riley told her. "Okay." Maya responded hesitantly as she packed her stuff in her gym bag.

But an amazing thing happened when Maya grabbed his hand she felt a squeeze. "Lucas?"

A/N : Don't you just love cliffhangers?

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