Chapter nine

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Maya woke up and tried to feel Lucas's warm body but he wasn't there. Maya saw a note on the bedside table. "Went to go get donuts-Huckleberry." Maya smiled at his messy handwriting.

She heard the clicking of the door and Maya ran downstairs. She opened the door. Lucas had a pink box of donuts in his hands. Maya kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks babe." She took the box of goods. "You're welcome." Lucas put his keys in his back pocket. Lucas turned on the coffee maker and put the coffee beans in the grinder.

Lucas sat down on the couch and Maya sat on his lap. She pieced off her maple bar and fed him. Lucas licked her maple flavored finger and Maya's eyes dilated and leaned up to kiss his soft pink lips.

Lucas laid back on the couch. Their tongues fought for dominance and Maya won as she licked in his warm mouth tasting the maple and chocolate from his tongue.

Lucas took out her messy bun as her blonde hair covered them like a curtain. Lucas put one hand in her hair while the other one traveled to her ass and squeezed it causing Maya to moan and grind on his crotch.

Lucas turned them around so he was on top as he kissed down her soft pale neck. He bit on her sensitive spot causing Maya to arch her back and gripped his back tighter.

They both broke the kiss breathing hard. They still didn't want to go there yet. Lucas kissed her two more times on her plump lips and helped her off the couch.

They walked back in the kitchen. Lucas's coffee was ready and he got out two mugs from the cabinet. He poured the beverages and added vanilla creamer and sugar. They finished their cups and donuts. They walked upstairs to her room.

Maya chose a white long sleeve crop top and blue shorts and black converses. She put her hair in a half up half down style. She put on a bit of mascara and nude lipstick.

"You look sexy babe." Lucas said as he walked in the bathroom. "I do try." Maya flipped her hair playfully. Lucas put his hands in her back pockets and they shared a languid kiss.

They walked downstairs and hopped in the car. Maya was singing along to the radio and Lucas just smiled lovingly at her. He pulled up in his driveway. Lucas went upstairs to get dressed.

Riley was eating pancakes at the kitchen table. "Hey Riles." Maya greeted and hugged her best friend. "Hey Peaches." Riley greeted kindly.

Lucas came back downstairs in a black adidas hoodie with dark blue jeans and black high top shoes. His hair was in a gray beanie with some dark blonde locks in front of his eyes.

He looked sexy as fuck. Maya bit her lips. Lucas smirked as he saw his girlfriend's face. "Let's go guys." He wrapped his arm around Maya's shoulders as they walked out the house.

*Lucas's POV*

Lucas walks to his first period which is Drama with Mrs. Green and unfortunately Missy Bradford. He had to take the class so he could get out early senior year.

"Hello class we are re-enacting Romeo and Juliet but in your own words." The class cheered and Lucas showed fake enthusiasm. "You guys will each get scenes that I assign and scenes will be due next week."

He really hoped he didn't get Missy Bradford. Ever since he talked bad about his girlfriend he has a strong dislike for her. "Charlie and Kelsey, Nathan and Alice, Seth and Quinn, Hannah and Elijah, and Lucas and Missy."

Fuck my life. The worse part is that he couldn't ask for another partner because in drama you had to act with people you don't like all the time. "Aren't you excited Lucas we get to be partners." Missy said and grabbed his arm.

Lucas shrugged her hand off. "Look Missy I'm doing this to get an A and nothing else." Lucas said coldly. "Why are you so mean?" Missy asked. "You talked bad about my girlfriend so why should I be nice to you?"

"Well she started it first." Missy claimed and crossed her arms. "I hardly believe that." Lucas scoffed and rolled his green eyes. "Let's just focus on what we have to do." Lucas said as he opened his script.

The class bell rang and Lucas pondered. How was he going to tell his girlfriend that he had to kiss her enemy. This was not going to go well.

A/N : Happy New Years! Thanks guys for reading my story!

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