Chapter Twenty

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Maya opened the door to her house. She walked upstairs and set down her school bag and gym bag. She slipped out of her uniform and threw it in the washer. She hopped in the shower for 30 minutes. After she took a shower, she wore pajama pants and a white henley. She put her uniform in the dryer.

She sat at her desk and did her homework. She heated up a hot pocket. After she was finished, she turned on the tv but there was nothing on.

She picked up her phone and FaceTimed Lucas. He picked up immediately. His bearded face showed on the screen. His hair was damp from the shower he just took as some wet strands fell in his sea-foam green eyes. He was also shirtless as he leaned against his pillows.

"Hey baby." His deep husky voice echoed around her room. "Hey huckleberry. I'm bored." She stated as she laid on the bed and ran her hands through her blonde hair.

"Why don't you come over then?" Lucas questioned. "I'm too lazy." Maya replied and Lucas laughed at his girlfriend. "I can wheel over to you." He offered. Maya pondered over the thought of Lucas wheeling down the street to get to her house.

"No it's okay I'll come over to you." Maya said as she got up from the bed. "Are you sure?" Lucas asked. "Yeah." Maya answered as she slipped on her flip flops. She grabbed her school backpack and her cheerleading uniform from the dryer.

"I'll see you in a few babe love you." Maya smiled at the screen. "I love you too." He smiled and she put the phone in her front pocket of her backpack. She informed her parents where she was going and left the house.

She knocked on the door and Riley greeted her. "Hey Riles." She hugged her. "We need to have a girl's day soon." Riley stated closed the door after her. "I know it feels like forever." Maya said. "How about this Sunday it's just you and me?" Riley told her.

"Definitely." Maya answered as she walked into Lucas's room. She saw her huckleberry on the bed. "Hey." She said softly. "Hey." He responded. Maya set down her stuff and climbed into his lap. Lucas wrapped his arms around her thin waist.

Maya leaned down and kissed him on the lips hard. Lucas responded with much vigor and put his hand on her jaw. Maya tugged on his hair the way he liked it and Lucas groaned. She bit his lip softly making Lucas give entrance to his mouth. Maya's tongue battled with his. Maya kissed her way down to his neck and sucked on a sensitive spot making Lucas tighten his hold. She released his neck and Lucas couldn't resist but kiss her again on her plump limps.

"Fuck I can't wait to get out of these damn casts." He sighed frustrated. Maya giggled and slid off his lap and snuggled into his side. He caressed her waist and kissed the top of her blonde hair. "Goodnight Penelope." He said. "Goodnight baby."

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