Chapter Fifty One

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After Lucas and Maya tied up their ice skates, they headed out to the ice rink. Maya intertwined her hand with Lucas as they skated around. They saw Cory and Riley continuously fall on their butts making Lucas and Maya laugh.

Pappy joe and Grammy jean were also skating. They were holding hands, their eyes holding nothing but love for each other. Maya smiled at the sight. She imagined her and Lucas growing old together and being just in love 50 to 60 years later.

"Why are you smiling babe?" Lucas asked. "I'm just imagining us growing old together like your grandparents." She replied. "I imagine it too. I can never picture a future without you by my side. This is forever." He told her.

Maya felt the corner of her eyes water. She pulled him down and kissed him. Lucas wrapped his arms around her, smiling into the kiss. The kiss was tender and passionate. After a few minutes, they pulled for air.

"I love you." Maya declared. "I love you too." He told her. Lucas threw her arm around her shoulder while she wrapped her arm around his waist. He kissed the side of her head and they continued to skate around.

After 45 minutes, they took a break from the rink. Maya sat comfortably on Lucas's lap with Lucas's arms wrapped securely around her, his head on her shoulder.

"You want hot chocolate babe?" Lucas asked. "Yes please." Maya responded. "Be right back." He informed, getting up from the bench. "Here you go." He handed her her hot chocolate.

"Thank you baby." She pecked his lips. "No problem." He sat down beside her. "My butt hurts." Riley whined sitting in front of the couple. "Mines too. Grown men are not meant for skates." Cory said sitting down besides Riley.

"Stop being babies. My mom and dad are older than you both and they can still skate better than you two." Topanga said, causing everyone to laugh.

After everyone was finished with their hot chocolates, they all decided they had enough of ice skating for the day.

Everyone piled in the car. Maya laid her head against him. Lucas threw his arm around her. Maya was playing with Lucas's other hand with her fingers.

Everyone was throwing out suggestions on what to do for the rest of the day in the car. "Let's have a movie night in the living room later." Riley suggested.

Everyone was down for that since no one wanted to be out in the cold any longer. They finally arrived home.

Maya was knocked out on Lucas's chest. Lucas didn't want to wake his baby up from her nap but they had to get inside. "Hey princess, wake up we're here." He gently shook her awake. 

Maya opened her eyes. "Why did you wake me up babe?" She rubbed her eye with her fist. "We're at the house." He answered with a chuckle. "Can you carry me then?" she told him. "Sure thing princess." He climbed out the car. Maya jumped on his back.

He entered the house. The family was currently watching Elf. 'I smell gingerbread cookies." Maya jumped off his back and ran to the kitchen. If there was one thing that Maya ran for it was food. Lucas smiled and followed after her. Maya's face was stuffed like an adorable chipmunk's.

He smiled fondly at her. He wiped the crumbs off her face with a napkin. He kissed her cheek and sat down beside her. He ate a few gingerbread cookies himself. They walked back to the living room. They sat down on the loveseat.

After a few more movies, everyone called it a night. "I'm gonna set up a bath for us okay?" He informed Maya. "Okay." She replied. He walked to the bathroom. He turned the knob. He waited until the water was at a good temperature before calling her in.

"How was your day?" He asked her, washing her back with soap. "It was good. It was so funny seeing Riley and your dad falling on their asses a couple of times." She replied with a giggle. "How was your day babe?" Maya asked. She turned around and faced him.

"I had a great time too. Can you believe that tomorrow is already Christmas?" He inquired. "It will also be our first Christmas as a couple." Maya declared. "I honestly couldn't have wished for anything more." He remarked.

Maya pressed her lips against his. Lucas snaked his toned arms around her waist. Maya turned her head to deepen the kiss. Lucas licked along her bottom lip. Maya allowed him entry and his tongue clashed with hers. Lucas groaned when she tugged on his hair.

Lucas picked her up and stepped out of the bath. Their mouths still attached to each other as he walked them to their bed. They both collapsed on the bed. Lucas trailed kisses down her pale neck. Maya rolled her eyes back when he found the sensitive spot on her neck and started to suck on it.

He kissed around her supple breasts. He latched his mouth around her left nipple and sucked. Maya arched her back and mewled. He pinched the other one with his free hand. He did the same actions with the other one. He kissed her inner thighs avoiding her wet center.

"Stop teasing." Maya whimpered. Lucas threw her legs over his shoulders. He licked a long stripe up her clit making Maya moan obscenely. He repeatedly lapped up her wet folds. Maya felt heat shoot to her core. He clamped his mouth around her pink nub and sucked harshly causing Maya to cum heavily in his mouth.

A few moments later, Lucas entered a finger inside her. He added two more until she was open for him. He slid out his fingers and inserted his nine inch cock inside of her. They both moaned at the feeling of him inside her.

He slowly started to gyrate his hips. A few minutes later, the pain started to become pleasure. "Faster." Maya requested. Lucas followed her command and drove inside her at a faster pace. Maya felt heat build up to her core. Lucas thrusted at a different angle hitting directly in her bundle of nerves every time causing Maya to feel euphoria. With one more thrust, Maya curled her toes and released an intense orgasm.

A few seconds later, Lucas climaxed after her. His hips started to slow down as he reached his finish. He slid out of her and laid down beside her, breathing heavily. Maya laid her head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. She drew lazy shapes around his torso.

He kissed her forehead. "I love you princess." She grinned and looked up at him. "I love you too huckleberry." She caressed his face and pecked his lips. They both fell asleep looking forward to Christmas the next day.

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