Chapter nineteen

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It was now Monday. Maya woke up at 5:30. She took a warm shower with her strawberry scented body wash. They were going to come back to school as a couple again but stronger than they were before.

Maya got out the shower. She blow dried her hair and straightened it afterwards. She decided to wear a white halter top with blue ripped jeans and black combat boots. She tied a red and black flannel around her waist and put her hair in two French braids.

She put on nude lipstick and mascara. "Good morning Mom and Dad." She kissed both of their cheeks as she sat down. "Good morning babygirl." She put three omelettes on three plates. She gave a plate to Shawn and her daughter and one for herself. "Good morning kiddo." He drank his coffee as he typed the article he was writing on the computer.

After breakfast,  Maya walked out of the house. In ten minutes, she made it to the Friar residence. She texted Lucas she was here. He opened the door. He wore a black knitted sweater and gray sweats with a gray beanie. His necklace sat proudly on his chest.

"Good morning baby." He said in a deep voice. "Good morning Luke." She smiled and pecked him on his soft pink lips. "Eww how can you like beards?" Riley cringed in disgust as she walked downstairs with her backpack. She was wearing a floral dress with a jean jacket and brown ankle boots.

"It's makes him look more attractive in my opinion." Maya answered as they walked out the house. The car was in horrible condition and they were gonna buy a new car for Lucas this Christmas.

Lucas's POV
Lucas was looking forward to seeing his friends again. "Hey man!" Zay exclaimed and hugged his best friend. "Hey Zay." He patted his friend with his right hand because the other one was still in his wrist cast. "Lucas glad to see you back." Noah hugged him. Josh and the rest of his friends hugged him too.

"Wow man what's with the beard?" Charlie pointed out. "I got too lazy and my girlfriend likes it." He smirked. "I'm glad to see you happy again." Zay smiled as everyone else agreed. "I just realized your cast has Maya all over it." Alex pointed out. "You're so whipped." Noah laughed and Josh smiled at his boyfriend's cute laugh.

"When are you getting your cast off?" Josh asked. "I can get my leg cast and wrist cast off by the end of the week." He responded. "That's good cause we need you man." Josh said. "Yeah Michael thinks he's a better quarterback than you." Zay stated.

"He thinks he's better than everyone." Lucas rolls his eyes. The bell rang to passing period. The periods passed by quickly and Lucas waited by the art room for Maya to go to lunch.

"How was art class?" Lucas inquired as they headed in the cafeteria where their friends were. "It was good I'm almost got paint on my shirt by Riley knocking the purple paint over." Maya said as Lucas chuckled.

"Hey Maya." The guys greeted kindly. "Hey guys." She waved back and sat down. They veered off to their own conversations.

The intercom echoed in the cafeteria. "Hello students of Abigail High." They heard Riley's voice over the intercom. "As you all know homecoming is coming and we have our homecoming court." Riley said and everyone cheered.

"Oh my gosh." Maya said as she stopped eating her sandwich. Lucas held her hand as it was shaking. "The nominees for homecoming princess are Miley Edwards, Joanna Collins and Maya Hunter." Maya's smile appeared on her face. "I told you babe." Lucas smiled as Maya sat on his lap and kissed him senseless.

They were now french kissing and the guys got disgusted. "Alright man that's just gross." Alex cringed. "Awww let them be. I love love." Noah smiled and Josh kissed his cheek.

Riley also announced that Lucas was in the running for homecoming prince in the junior court.

The bell to lunch was over. They all walked to the back area. Lucas went with Maya and stopped outside the girl's locker room. "I'll see you later Huckleberry." She smiled and pecked his lips again. "See you later Penelope."

He watched his team play on the field. It sucked because he hadn't played in so long. "Hey Friar." His football coach Reynolds came up to him. "Hey Coach." He greeted.

"Is your leg okay?" The coach asked as he sat down next to him. "Yeah I can take it off by the end of this week since it healed during my coma." Lucas stated as he watched the team run laps around the track. "What about your wrist?" He inquired.

"I'm getting my wrist cast off too." He added. "I'm glad you're making a full recovery." Coach Reynolds patted his back. "Thanks Coach." He smiled. The coach ran back to the field.

"Hey Lucas." His sister Riley greeted as she sat on the bleachers with Farkle. Farkle waved in greeting. "Hey guys." He started to do his homework since he had nothing better to do.

The gym doors opened as the cheerleading practice was over. "Hey Riles. Hey Farkle." She greeted as she hugged them. "Congratulations on the nomination Peaches." Riley smiled and jumped. "I know I'm so excited." Maya beamed.

"Just letting you know that I'm your campaign advisor." Riley informed. "I wouldn't want anyone else." Maya smiled as she walked over to her boyfriend. He was still watching the football team play. "Hey babe you're ready to go?" She asked as she rubbed his shoulder. "Yeah." He squeezed her hand and they went out the school doors.

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