Chapter Forty Five

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Maya waved awkwardly. "Hi nice-, but she never finished her sentence since the rest of the words were muffled in Sarah's chest.

Maya was taken back but then melted in Sarah's embrace. She smelt like lavender mixed with vanilla. She reminded her on what her grandma smelt like which brought Maya comfort.

Aunt Sarah pulled away but kept her at arm's length. "My word Lucas. Your girlfriend is a beauty." Sarah complimented making Maya blush.

"Thank you Sarah." Maya said. "Call me Aunt Sarah we're family now." Sarah smiled. Maya's heart had warmed when she said those words.

Lucas grinned watching Maya and her Aunt talk to each other as if they knew each other for a long time. "Alright guys come inside. I'll bring the rest of my kids down." Sarah welcomed them inside the warm house.

Sarah went upstairs to retrieve her kids. A small dog perked his head up at the new guests. It was a small Siberian husky. The dog circled around them and jumped happily on Lucas.

"Hey Milo." He greeted the happy and friendly dog. "Aw he's so cute." Maya crouched down and petted the dog. The dog rolled on his stomach.

Maya laughed lightly scratching the dog's stomach. The dog closed his eyes in content. The dog stood up to greet the rest of the family.

They heard the steps creek and they saw Sarah holding a blue bundle in her arms. Four more kids followed after her.

There was a small girl and boy following after their mother. They were identical twins. They both had blonde hair and blue eyes like their mom. They looked about five years old.

The older girl after the twins looked around Maya's and Riley's age. She had brown hair and piercing green eyes. Probably from their dad's side. The other one was a boy who looked around Lucas's age.

He also had brown hair and his eyes were blue. "Lucas!" She heard one of the twins yell.

They ran up to Lucas. "Hey little munchkins." He picked up his baby cousins. They giggled as he spun them around. He pecked their foreheads.

"Who's that?" The girl pointed at Maya. "Alright Allison and Ian this is my girlfriend Maya. Maya this is Allison and Ian." Allison waved happily. She had a missing tooth which was adorable. The other twin was noticeably shy and snuggled closer in Lucas's chest holding his orange monkey.

Allison asked to be let down and she walked up to Maya. "Hi I'm Allison I'm this many." She held up small five fingers. "Hi Allison I'm this many." Maya held up the age she was with her fingers too.

"Wow Maya are you a princess? You're really pretty." Allison complimented. "No I'm not a princess but thank you. You're really pretty too." Maya smiled.

"I like you you're really nice." Allison stated hugging her pant leg. Maya smiled and Allison skipped happily to Milo.

"C'mon Ian it's okay. Maya is super nice." Lucas urged his baby cousin who was hiding behind Lucas's leg. Ian peeked out and walked cautiously to Maya.

Maya crouched down. "Hi Ian I like your monkey." Maya told Ian. Ian smiled. "His name is coco."

"Hi coco." Maya waved at the monkey. Ian giggled and he waved the monkey's arm to say hi. "Why did you name him coco." Maya asked.

"I really like chocolate." Ian declared. Maya gasped. "I like chocolate too." Ian smiled even more. He wrapped his arms around Maya in a hug. Maya's heart melted and she returned the hug.

Ian let go and ran to play with his sister. Lucas walked over and threw his arm around Maya. "Alright guys this is my girlfriend Maya. Maya this is Charlotte and Trevor."

"Nice to meet you Maya." Charlotte gave her a hug. "Nice to meet you too." Trevor also gave her a hug and a warm welcome.

"So this was the blonde beauty you've been talking about all the time." Trevor teased his cousin, wriggling his eyebrows. Lucas's cheeks blossomed. "Shut up Trevor."

"Aw Lukey is in looooove." Charlotte teased Lucas too. They both started teasing him and Maya laughed seeing Lucas so flustered.

"Alright that's it." Lucas gave Trevor a noogie. Trevor struggled to get out of Lucas's grip. "Okay. Okay I'll stop." Trevor said in defeat. Lucas laughed and released him.

Trevor fixed his hair glaring at Lucas. Charlotte laughed at her brother knowing how much he hated noogies.

Allison had tugged Lucas's hand and she showed him the drawing that she made. Ian also showed her his drawing that he made at school.

"Thank you Maya." Charlotte walked over to Maya. "For what?" Maya inquired in confusion.

"For making Lucas happy. We never seen him so happy before. When he was with she who shall not be named she changed him for the worse. But you changed him for the better." Charlotte had said.

"He makes me happy too. I wouldn't know what I do without him." Maya watched as Lucas gave Allison a piggy back ride with Allison giggling happily on his back.

"Maya this is Mason." Aunt Sarah held the bundle of joy in her arms. Mason was in a baby blue onesie. He was holding his elephant and was kicking his legs with glee. He babbled and gave Maya a toothless smile. He was adorable.

"You can hold him Maya." Sarah gave Maya the baby. Maya cradled the baby in her arms.

Mason's ocean blue eyes gazed into Maya's own blue ones. Maya tickled his soft foot and Mason giggled curling his small toes.

She held her finger out. Mason curled his small hand around Maya's finger. He babbled and tried to put the finger in his mouth. Maya chuckled and pulled it away.

"Hey babe." Lucas greeted walking over to his girlfriend. He kissed her cheek. "Seems you got him wrapped around your finger." He joked.

Maya rolled her eyes playfully at the cheesy joke he made. "That was so bad." Maya laughed. Mason babbled in response.

"See even Mason agreed." Maya joked. "Hey lovebirds lunch is ready." Allison walked up to them. "Right begins you Ally." Lucas said as they followed after her to the kitchen.

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