Chapter thirty four

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It was the night of homecoming. Lucas and Farkle were waiting downstairs for their girlfriends. Farkle was in purple suspenders with a purple bow tie.

Lucas was dressed in a black suit with a white tie. They heard the door open. It was Riley who came out first. Her brown hair was in a braid crown on top of her head. She wore a purple skater dress with gray flats.

Farkle's mouth dropped open comically. Riley chuckled and took his proffered arm as they went to the living room to take pictures.

Maya came out second. Lucas's breath hitched as he stared at his beautiful girlfriend. Their eyes locked and it was as if they were the only two in the room.

Maya's golden blonde hair fell in beautiful waves down her back. Her blue eyes popped from the mascara she wore. Her white halter top dress showed every curve that she had tremendously. She looked like a goddess.

"Y-you look stunning," Lucas stuttered out his words. Maya's cheeks turned a bright red. His words still having an effect on her no matter how many times he said it.

"Thank you babe, you don't look bad yourself." She straightened out his tie and patted his chest lightly. He held his arm out to her. Maya took it and they walked into the living room.

"Alright guys get in the middle!" Katy exclaimed to the couple holding up a camera. Lucas and Maya stood in the middle like she asked. Lucas snaked his arm around Maya's waist and Maya snaked her arm around his waist.

After a few photos of the couple all four of them posed for photos together. Maya started to feel her cheeks hurt from smiling.

"Mom please stop taking pictures," she pleaded. "Fine," Katy huffed and passed the camera to Shawn.

"You just look so beautiful baby girl," Katy walked over and engulfed her daughter in a hug. "Thanks Mom," she smiled. "I'm gonna cry my little girl's all grown up," Shawn started to tear up.

Maya chuckled. "Dad it's only homecoming." She gave him a hug and rubbed his back consoling him.

Lucas walked over. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah let's go." She took his hand.

They arrived at the school in fifteen minutes. They walked through the gym doors. The gym was beautiful. The theme was night under the stars. Glittery stars hung from the beams on the ceiling. The black tables were decked out in fairy lights. Glow in the dark stars were plastered across the walls since the gym was dark to give it the nighttime effect.

Lucas and Maya spotted their group of friends on the dance floor. They walked over to them. They made a space so they could squeeze in.

After a couple of upbeat pop songs it was now the romantic couples dance. Lucas placed his hands on Maya's waist while Maya wrapped her arms around his neck as they swayed together to Thinking out loud.

"This is one of the greatest nights of my life," Maya's ocean blue eyes gazed into his emerald green ones. "Mine's too," he smiled. He leaned down and planted his lips on hers. They both smiled into the kiss. They broke apart, still with cheesy smiles on their faces.

Lucas leaned his forehead against Maya's. "I love you maya." Her heart skipped a beat at his words. "I love you too." She spoke softly. She never felt so happy than she did right at this moment.

There was no where else she wanted to be than in her boyfriend's loving arms.

From afar an onlooker was observing the scene. She was furious as she watched the sickening couple.

The song ended and another pop song played. "Babe, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," Maya shouted over the music.

"Okay," Lucas shouted back. Maya made her way out of the sea of dancing bodies and walked out the gym doors not aware that a person was following her.

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