Chapter Fifteen

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Lucas saw a blinding white light in front of his eyes as he tried to blink. He felt a hand clasped with his and he instinctively knew who it was.

Lucas's eyes finally settled and he looked at his Penelope crying. "Maya?" Lucas asked his voice sore from disuse.
"Lucas," She cried. "I'm so sorry for not listening to you. I'm such a bad girlfriend you probably don't want to be with me. I don't deserve you." Maya rambled. "Hey Hey Hey." Lucas said as he wiped her tears away.

"Don't say that. I'm a very lucky guy to have you. I forgive you Maya." Lucas said. "Really?" Maya asked as she leaned into his hand. "Even after all that I still love you more than words can describe. Come here." Maya slipped into the bed beside him. Lucas planted his mouth on hers and honestly he missed her kisses and touch more than anything. Maya held his face in her hands as Lucas caressed her waist softly with his casted left wrist.

They broke off the passionate kiss. "I love you princess." He smiled down at her. "I love you too baby." Maya looked into his emerald green orbs lovingly. "Wanna be my girlfriend again?" Lucas asked. "Gladly." They didn't even notice Riley was there at all.

"Lucas, hello big brother of mine. Remember me your baby sister." Riley said sarcastically waving. Maya blushed and stifled her laughter with her hand. "Sorry Riley." He held his arm out and he hugged his sister. Maya tried to get  off the bed but Lucas stopped her with his  hand. "I called the doctor and Mom and Dad are coming in a few minutes."

The doctor came in. "Hello Lucas. How are you feeling?" Dr. Clark said as he checked his vitals. "Never better." He smiled and wrapped his arm around Maya's waist.

"Well we're gonna make sure everything is all right with your brain and you'll be out first thing in the morning." The doctor said grinning. "Wait will I ever be able to play with my wrist after it's healed." Lucas asked with concern laced in his voice.

"Yes but that we have to wait until the cast is off to see if you can use it. There might be a possibility that you damaged your wrist and it can never be the same even after it's healed." The doctor informed. Maya squeezed his hand knowing what he was thinking.

"Thank you doctor." Maya smiled. "You're welcome take care." The doctor left the room. "I might never get to play football again." Lucas sighed as he frowned. "Baby the key word is might not never okay? You're gonna be okay I just know it." Maya said as she moved his hair away from his eyes.

"You always know what to say to make me feel better." Lucas smiled as she stroked his hair. "It's a gift." Maya joked making both of them laugh.

Cory and Topanga came in and hugged their son. "We're glad you're okay." Topanga said as she hugged him again suffocating him. "Mom." Lucas complained. "Sorry." Topanga let go of the embrace.

"When are you allowed to get out?" Cory asked as he sat down on a chair. "Tomorrow." Lucas replied. The family had spent a little while longer with him before they left. "I'll see you tomorrow baby." Maya said as she collected her things. "Wait." Lucas grabbed her by the waist. He kissed her again and Maya melted in his arms as he laid her down on the bed.

Lucas bit her lip and Maya opened her mouth willingly as he slipped his tongue in her warm mouth. "You're gonna make me wanna stay. You're mom is waiting for me." Maya breathed out as Lucas kissed his way down her neck. "Let her wait." Lucas said in a deep tone that made Maya's heart race.

Lucas kissed her one more time on her swollen pink lips before he finally let go. Maya checked her neck with her phone camera. "Damn it huckleberry you gave me a hickey." Maya groaned as she pulled her hair out of her ponytail and covered her neck with her hair.

"Sorry." He said in a not sorry tone. Maya rolled her ocean blue eyes at her boyfriend as she left the room. "Love you!" He called out. "Love you too!" He heard as he laid back down and smiled.

A/N : I was going to make him have amnesia but I'm too lazy lol. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also thanks for 2k reads! ❤️

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